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Everything posted by Hiddentree

  1. Meet me in game now to collect the prizes :D i'll be on for 30 mins or so
  2. I will be online in game in 4 hrs that'll be 5:30 UTC
  3. sorry i'm in johto and i haven't done yet, how can i receive the 20k prize dude you are the 80k winner! met me in kanto when done!
  4. Those who are left can meet me at the time given on main post!
  5. Those who are left can meet me at the time given on main post!
  6. There won't be prizes now but still you can checkout the channel ID you like ;) All the participants to pick up the prize can come to vermilion in 2 hrs that is 5:30 PM UTC. I would love to take few picks at harbour too :D
  7. Man I am in love with your work keep up this amazing skills
  8. If the participated guys would love to take a selfie meet me in vermilion harbor 6:00 PM and one on 5:30 AM I will also distribute the prizes at this time! (i won't be online another time so sure to check the time )
  9. Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(last day to enter) yellow <t>Thanks everyone for participating ;)<br/> I would love to take a group pic with everyone who participated if they interested see the details on post!<br/> petrosyolo is the best suggestion winner of 500k Congrats! i be making the next video on your idea ^^<br/> <br/> checkout the prize you won infront of your name ;)</t>
  10. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(last day to enter) yellow <t>thanks to participate event ends in around 2 hours :D</t>
  11. Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(last day to enter) yellow <t>last 4 hours go for it soon</t>
  12. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(last day to enter) yellow <r><QUOTE author="razor1912" post_id="391534" time="1496124659" user_id="1674864"><s> </e></QUOTE> 500k will be for the best comment!</r>
  13. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(last day to enter) yellow <t>15 entries now I will close the giveaway in 12 hours then all the registered users can pick up their prizes from me in game...!!</t>
  14. Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>Thanks you are registered</t>
  15. Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>last 3 days..!!grab your prize right now ;)</t>
  16. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>You are registered..!!</t>
  17. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="elyas2016" post_id="390185" time="1495810629" user_id="1546308"><s> </e></QUOTE> they will be awarded after this week!<br/> <br/> Thanks for participating everyone</r>
  18. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="elyas2016" post_id="390153" time="1495802722" user_id="1546308"><s> </e></QUOTE> yeah man! i remember you :D <br/> glad to see ya!</r>
  19. Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>Thanks for participating list updated..!! you all were in first 10 winner congrats ;)</t>
  20. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>list updated</t>
  21. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>Entries added :D</t>
  22. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <t>Updated..!!</t>
  23. Re: YouTube giveaway 100 prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="Fisosthelegend" post_id="390034" time="1495776623" user_id="952466"><s> </e></QUOTE> First of thanks for participating but sorry it's kinda only for the yellow server. I might do this for red once I get rich there xD</r>
  24. Re: YouTube giveaway 100 prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="petrosyolo" post_id="389900" time="1495736951" user_id="1667891"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hehe alrighty, <br/> <br/> Thanks for participating..!!</r>
  25. Re: YouTube giveaway 100 prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="yveltalray" post_id="389888" time="1495732814" user_id="1109250"><s> </e></QUOTE> The one which comment says 1 sec ago :3<br/> P.S - you are supposed to subscribe too ;)</r>
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