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Everything posted by Niuniu

  1. yes you won. are you online right now?
  2. hi bro. auction already end. August13th won riolu by 2.45m before end^^ thank you for your time and patience
  3. hi im so sorry mate aron already end. Jimkar won it his offer 2.55M is the last one bid before the auction end. thanks for your time so much. good luck to you!^^
  4. hi gible buneary and aron is end.
  5. 12hours left
  6. Gible .Aron .Hawlucha 150K now
  7. 1:Riolu C.O: 2.45M end 2: Gible C.O: 700K end 3: Aron C.O: 2.55M end 4: Hawlucha C.O: 1.15M end 5; Buneary C.O: 350K end Start price: 100K for each Min bid: 50K for each Accept payment: Poke dollar and CC (370K) End time: 48 hours after the first bid
  8. Lucario : C.O 2.35M Start price 2M. Min bit 50K Marowak C.O 1.2M Start price 1M. Min bid 50K Accept money only End time: 48hours after first bid
  9. sold all. can be close now
  10. hi im really sorry bro. this auction already end. Chitti678 won the Hawlucha. his offer 350k is best offer before the auction end. good luck to you and have nice day
  11. its pelipper right?
  12. pelipper 450K now
  13. pelipper 350K now
  14. 15min left now
  15. 15min left again
  16. 14min left from now
  17. 42mins left now
  18. 100k each now
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