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Everything posted by Apros

  1. Apros


    yeah shiny beldum was prob a bit too much lol but i wanted the reward to be something rewarding for beating 100 bosses and to be honest all those achievements would be a 1 time reward and its untradeable so meh, those are just examples anyways.
  2. Apros


    Could we get some kind of achievement system in the game? Maybe minor rewards based on the achievement, ill list a few examples (note these are just examples). "Catch 1 pokemon - rewards 1 pokeball" "Catch 10 pokemon - rewards 1 great ball" "Catch 50 pokemon - rewards 1 ultraball" "Catch 100 pokemon - rewards 25 ultraballs" "Catch 500 pokemon - rewards 1 masterball" "Beat the Kanto elite 4 - rewards shiny Pikachu (non-tradeable)" "Beat the Johto elite 4 - rewards shiny Girafarig (non-tradeable)" "Beat the Hoenn elite 4 - rewards shiny Castform (non-tradeable)" "Defeat 1 endgame boss - rewards 2 rare candies" "Defeat 10 endgame bosses - rewards 5 rare candies" "Defeat 100 endgame bosses - rewards shiny Beldum" Anyways, those are just examples but you get the picture, this could be just a minor improvement that would make the game better and could you imagine if there was a few super hard to get achievements like get all pokemon?
  3. I always thought it was a stupid decision to not include legendaries, the reason being that they are not balanced for pvp? You can obviously just make legendaries banned from ranked play, its really not that hard to implement. My favorite pokemon of all time is Mewtwo and it kinda sucks that i cant make him a permanent part of my team. And for those people who say "well legendaries are that, legendary. everyone shouldn't have one" i call bull, if i want to use a LEGENDARY pokemon for the PVE game i should be able to. TLDR Let us catch and use legendaries but ban them in ranked play.
  4. Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/ <t>Hi guys, Been on the server for a few months, saw how nice people in RUKittenMe were and decided to submit and app.<br/> <br/> 1. What is your current play time? 2-10pm est, sometimes later.<br/> 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro? hunt rare pokemon<br/> 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....)? dogs for sure =)<br/> 4. What are your goals in pro? top 10 in pvp, complete dex, all legendaries caught<br/> 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? Have met a lot of cool people in RUKittenMe and want to chill with them.<br/> EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord? Sure.</t>
  5. So since the beginning of 2017 we have had updates to the christmas event, ability changes/fixes, new items implemented and sinnoh spoilers. Gotta admit that the beginning of this year has been great and makes me glad to be here. Will continue supporting PRO and looking forward to all the surprises you guys bring us in 2017. On that note i want to give a big shout out to all the devs and staff members for working so hard on the game, i know it goes unsaid but we do appreciate your work. :thanks:
  6. does it still req 350 hours? that kinda sucks considering u can beat kanto, johto, hoenn, catch and evolve all kanto dex within 200 hours.
  7. ill insta the bisharp if its still for sale.
  8. Paying with a membership medallion.
  9. Re: Setzuens Insta-Shop :D :) <t>Ill insta the alakazam</t>
  10. SugarRed, he already sold this to someone else in game, don't bother with the auction.
  11. WTB Relaxed Ferroseed or Ferrothorn, 20+ IV's, 2M budget.
  12. Cancel Bid.
  13. 1. Clannad After Story (life changing anime, will make you take a good look at your life) 2. Major (the life story of hondo goro from child birth to adult hood) 3. Death Parade (show about morality what's really right and wrong) 4. Claymore (teresa most badass chick in anime) 5. Code Geass (had the best ending of all time, sadly new season will ruin it)
  14. Does a pokemon with 31 IVs in all 6 stats exist?
  15. Neither can i, seems like they are having server stability issues.
  16. solo it all with mudkip? the only problem you will have will be deoxy's and u can use x5 sucker punch ariados for that.
  17. Re: JustLegend's shop №4 <t>350k Scyther<br/> 300k Beldum (lvl 15)</t>
  18. No black friday sale? how about coins half off for 1 day? cmon staff.
  19. MUST HAVE GOOD IV'S Looking For: Ada/Tech Scyther HP Fire Magnemite 31/31/25+ Gastly Marvel Scale/Adament Dragonite Ada/Solid Rock Rhydon Ada/Huge Power Maril Jolly Garchomp Post what you got and ill get back to you.
  20. Cancelled bid.
  21. Same here.
  22. we need sinnoh for the glorious cynthia. Could u imagine what pokemon Cynthia would have in the e4?
  23. 1mil is nothing in PRO, i have been playing for a little under a week and i have already bought 1 MS token and i have 1.4mil on me.
  24. Mewtwo is love, Mewtwo is life.
  25. Looking for a 31atk/31speed/25+health (20+def and spdef as well if possible) ada/tech scizor, paying 1.2m. or something close to that anyways.
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