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Everything posted by Davokthedark1

  1. Title. Pm me Davokthedark1
  2. IN MY OPINION.. bosses are there to help 200-600h ish players that want to get into pvp, its a way to get items, money and maybe nice mons. So the idea of giving eggs away that arent syncable and the money nerf seems wrong for me. edit: In my humble opinion. I think if u wanna make the game grow more you u gotta find a way to get people into pvp faster cause its what most of the players are here for. Sorry if im being disrespectfull, I love the idea of the bosses revamp! I've only 245h so maybe experienced players think differently!
  3. S.O 200K INSTA 750k 48LEFT
  4. https://gyazo.com/aae114954db2a98da1b990e13a7dfc93
  5. Im interested. Im gonna be online tonight when the servers are up again (: IGN: Davokthedark1
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