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Posts posted by Kaminokage

  1. As my reset for 7th was today at : 18/01/2018 11:47, so i decided to go doing this. And i got the same bug :




    The News reporter asked for an Empoleon, i went find it on PC, and when i came back to see him, he asked for an other PKM and i didn't get the 7th rewards.

  2. Essaie de désactiver ton antivirus, j'ai le même soucis avec Avast, il me delete PRO pour le mettre en zone de quarantaine tous les jours. Je péte un cable car je suis obligé de désactiver Avast et réinstaller PRO tous les jours -_- , même en mettant PRO en liste d'exclusion sur Avast.

  3. Also cb dragonites are very unpredictable? You never see them in pvp also once a fable comes into a band iron head...you lost ur dragonite check xD

    Yes, i played Dragonite CB, can be very dangerous :3, but if you know in advance the Dragonite is Band, you fear the damages, not the Dragon dance, so you changes how you will react to the Dragonite. Dragonite wasn't the best example, some others:

    • Hydregion(Timid) Evs- 252SPD+252SPAttk | Item- Specs/Lifeorb | Moveset) Flashcannon, Flamethrower, Darkpulse and Dracometor/Dragonpulse.

    If you play Blissey, you don't fear the Superpower if you know your opponent build, so you can free switch on it and stay.

    • Slowbro(Bold) Evs- 252DEF+252HP | Ability- Regenerator | Item- Leftovers | Moveset) Scald, Slackoff, Calm Mind and Psyshock.

    If you play Cacturne Water Absorb, this build on Slowbro can literally do nothing to Cacturne, if one day someone play Cacturne on PVP :')


    Also it will be ever changing with the meta. I think its a great idea since i get 500 pms a day asking to build teams x3 :D

    Yes i know that felling, i have to play in mode "offline" sometimes when i want to farm :(

    I think the best way to help players is explain them how to build a team with the actual meta :3

  4. The basic idea seems interesting but I don't like this post for the following reasons :

    • A PVP Meta, on principle, is supposed to change. Some teams are build, are very strong, and your opponent will know your team, then they will create a team to counter you. And you have to change your team to adapt yours to the counter team. It's a meta, it changes, slowly, sometimes very slowly, but it changes. By creating typical team to use, this post tend to fix the meta, the meta will change anyway but more slowly because newbies will use the team on this post. It slows down the ability of the meta to change. And in fact, when a new player will use one of your team, the "good" players on Ladder has already adapted their team to your team; so, even if this post is supposed to help them, it's a double-edged help.
    • In a battle, know your opponent build changes a lot the battle. The most dangerous PKM on pvp are the PKM with differents builds, because it changes your decision how to deal with this PKM, and a bad switch, a bad move can cost you some important HP or PKM for the rest of the battle. Typical build can help your opponent to counter you easier, if they know your exact build because you used one of the team here, they can adapt their play style and counter you. I will take one example :
      •Dragonite(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Multiscale | Item- Choice Band | Moveset) Earthquake, Outrage, Extremespeed and Ironhead.
      The fact they know in advance you don't have Dragon dance will change their decision, a Dragonite after DD can be a big issue, with Choice band, they will adapt their play style before taking any damages. They will have the information one turn before they are supposed to have it, and this turn can change the rest of the battle :/


    But, building a team is very hard, i admit i am very bad to do it, and some typical teams can help a new player to start PVP. And then, after fews battles without being destroy by anyone, maybe the new player will like PVP and start to build his own team adapted to the meta.


    So, i think you should emphasize the limits of using a typical team in your first post, so, the new players will not be surprised on PVP when their opponent will anticipate them easily.



    Some correction to do :


    It seems you don't like the nature Adamant :')

    • Amoongus (Bold) Evs- 252DEF+252HP | Ability- Regenerator | Item- NONE | Moveset) Sleep Powder, Sludgebomb, Gigadrain and Leechseed.
    Amoonguss has Spore, better than Sleep Powder. And i admit, i don't see why no Item, maybe to take a Knock off with less damages?


    There are fews more spelling mistakes but nothing important. For the rest, i can't really help on builds, like i said, i am not very good to build a team :/

  5. possible to add a wish tutorplz?? , audino cant even learn softboiled -_-

    +1 for a Wish Tutor, some PKM on PRO can't learn it: Clefable, Blissey, Lickilicky, Audino, and maybe others. With Wish, they can be used at support, and not only stall.

  6. I cant understand it fully.

    Please explain it easily.

    It was the easy way :Frown:

    But i will try to resume it.


    I created two methods to determinate the probability to have one PKM with some IVs. The main constraint being that each combination of IVs is almost unique, each combination has a probability of 1/887 503 681, from there, it"s impossible to deduce anything from it. But on a global reasoning, it becomes easier to calculate probabilities.


    The method 1: TOTAL 5 IVs will take only the sum of IVs on the 5 useful statistics, on my example, i took a Scyther Adamant, the useless statistic will be the SPATK, so i do the sum of his 5 others statistics. When i have this sum, i can calculate the probability associated with this sum :


    It's the column "sum"; example, my sum of TOTAL 5 IVs is 120 (to have at least 120 in total 5 IVs), the probability will be: 2,296%.


    It means, in average, if you want a specific PKM with 120 (at least) in sum on his 5 useful statistic, you will need to catch 44 PKM to have 1. Of course, it's only probabilities, you can have 3-4 PKM with 120 T5IVs on your 44 PKM.


    I particularly like this method because it's very close to the "reality" of farm. When we farm a lot of PKM, this method is very close to the result of your farm. But like i already say: it stays only one indicator of rarity.


    If someone finds a method much closer to reality, i will be happy to read it :y:

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