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  1. Ariella02

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    ign : Tasya22 1200+hours Fav poke Suicune hunting, random pvp
  2. solded to kimtam thanks you...
  3. wts shiny solosis 18 m discord : Tasya#4791
  4. hello.. i was thinking to player to get reward or achievement or some tittle when a player reach specific playtime on this game. like when reach 1000h playtime give tittle expert trainer or anything or some good reward like special mount or cosmetic to motivation us to play more and more.... sorry for my bad english ^^ thanks..
  5. Bye and good luck to u
  6. hi @Electrocute4u.. thanks u for the answer^^.. happy christmas ^^
  7. how ppl know how many shiny or special pokemon in each server (example : xmas staryu now in gold server = 1) thank
  8. sad, when i comeback you gone.. good luck my old friend .. your one the best friend on this game.. Bye from SagaFish
  9. Just legend miss u :D
  10. Hi.. i want to ev training service ^ ^ Your Ingame name: Sagafish Timezone: Malaysia Pokemon's name: clefable(252hp,252deff), tyranitar(252spdeff, 252hp) Starting/Finishing level:- Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?:-
  11. Re: ♦♦♦NineRich Shop♦♦♦ ( Updated 29/19/2016 GMT+07:00 ) <t>im start clefable</t>
  12. I can log-in after redownload , thanks :).. solved
  13. I can try redownload :)
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