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Everything posted by Nopistons

  1. Would you take 30k for the female level 25 marill ? With the 28 atk stat
  2. ill buy your marill the non shiny one
  3. ill start at 10k for roserade as i have to ev berry all the mistakes
  4. so.... ???? you havent messaged me as i won the auction ....
  5. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <r><QUOTE author="1kevin77" post_id="476844" time="1512612028" user_id="1493125"><s> </e></QUOTE> I won. Waiting to meet in game</r>
  6. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <r><QUOTE author="Arry" post_id="476824" time="1512607650" user_id="1109827"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bidding was already over</r>
  7. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>I'm online now.</t>
  8. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>Did I win?</t>
  9. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>560k...</t>
  10. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>400k pory z</t>
  11. Price of aerodactyl
  12. Re: wts vaporeon <t>250k ...</t>
  13. Ill buy ada Boufflant and poliwag for 70k
  14. I have never found any. I don't think I'll be able to do the quest ever.
  15. Oh, lol. 300k, let me know if you want it :Shy: 250 and you have a deal :p I'm a tough negotiator lol
  16. Hi bro, i have this. Tell me if you want it :Smile: Cya :y: Damn. I was hoping for a magnemite so I can save money lol. Price ?
  17. Wtb a good/decent timid/modest magnepull HP Fire Magnemite PM me
  18. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <t>Good job ! great work ! AND im your first customer :p</t>
  19. wtb a timid or modest (prefer modest) larvitar.
  20. when you get a chance, come on discord and we will talk about one im interested in
  21. Chan and Lee don't evolve.
  22. They locked the servers while they check for bugs in new update
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