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Everything posted by Nopistons

  1. 250k noivern
  2. Re: WTS epic Tentacruel <t>350k please</t>
  3. Re: WTS H.a epic Espeon <t>What's the offer as I can't see a price?</t>
  4. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (WIP Rewards: please comment your rewards) <t>Disconnect and lost the session :(</t>
  5. Re: Catayst_evtrained_pokes&items_paradise (negotiable) <t>ill offer you 150 for the vileplume as its not Ev trained</t>
  6. Re: WTS EPIC HP FIRE MAGNEZONE AUCTION <t>Ill start at 250k lol</t>
  7. Looking for: With good IV's BOLD Frilish Water Absorb CAREFUL Inkay Contrary TIMID/MODEST Voltorb Aftermath ADAMANT Goldeen Lightning Rod Possibly more to come ... PM me here Thanks
  8. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Sweet!!!! Yellow server here</t>
  9. Double post
  10. I apologize for the inconvenience, but unfortunately we can not. Pokemon that can evolves through specific area like Leafeon, Magnezone, Glaceon and Sylveon and Pokemon that can evolves via happiness do not work with the method we use to evolve level 100 pokemon. no worries, glad i know now before buying thanks !!
  11. Question can you guys evolve a Magneton to a Magnezone if i bought a lvl 100 magneton ?
  12. Nvm thanks anyways
  13. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 20+ PVP ready Poke/ 40+ untrained ♦ [most are below 200k - 7/12/17] <t>Interested in the Venomoth</t>
  14. I can hunt one for you :) Death said that as well it's so damn hard to find in johto or kanto. :(
  15. WTB a Houndour, timid, flash fire. Good IVs needed.
  16. Nopistons thank you for the opportunity
  17. How do i sign up ? Mature, frequent player here with about 20 Level 100 pokes and counting. Currently working on getting all forms of Pokemon to level 100 (pre evos etc)
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