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Everything posted by Yujii

  1. Yujii

    Ban blaziken

    +1, the reasons are so obvious.
  2. Shadow Tag still broken with or without shed shell, after all, no one will use a team with six Pokemon equipped with this item.
  3. Well, I have one with 25 Atk and 26 Spe, if u want tell me
  4. Why do you want to join NoMercy? Well, I want to be in an active guild, where I can have fun Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? I play PRO for fun though, I'm starting to play more competitively in this game, I'm still adapting to this metagame of PRO, How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? I have 13 years old and I speak portuguese. About me: I'm a very active user in the discord, and I usually play more Smogon than PRO, I'm kinda crazy too, and my English is incredibly horrible. Trainer Card: Thanks n_n
  5. I want I did not have Countdown again after forfeit in the middle of a battle, for simple reasons, which I will quote now. 1 - Your network may have fallen, so in addition to losing your rating, you'll have to wait 10 minutes to battle again, which is annoying. 2 - You can be in a PPWar, with a game already lost, you really want to waste time in the battle that you already lost? It is only these two reasons, however, that they make sense in my view. And.... If u is asking: ''But if it happen, u can won free rating more fast'' but not, its very rare to find your friend in the ranked, so no, you will not be able to easily score.
  6. up!!!!!!!!!
  7. U-turn and Volt Switch are bugged, because instead of choosing the pokémon after attacking, you choose before attacking, thus harming a possible switch, for example: Hydreigon x Blissey, you give u-turn to a strong physical pokémon, but the guy preaches you and you will already have entered with this fight, instead of being able to enter with another pokémon, which is the wrong, because in the original games you attack And then he chooses, and you must be thinking, '' But that does not make any difference, '' but on the contrary, it makes a lot of difference because as I said up there, instead of you see the Pokémon that the opponent sent and send a Check for the same, you will already have chosen, and probably you will have to make another switch for this minimal detail, so please staff, arrange this as soon as possible, because VoltTurns times are greatly impaired by this bug :thanks: for listening
  8. Re: EPIC SAP SIPPER ADAMANT GOODRA :] <t>c.o 1.8m by Bezeed !!</t>
  9. bid start : 1m7 insta : 3m :thanks: 24 hours left
  10. Hm ... really Goodra AV is a good counter for Gengar, but can not disagree, this is a threat to any team, just like Azumarill.
  11. Gengar is a threat for any team, this mon not have counters ...
  12. Dude, this Blissey has Thunderbolt, and Blisseys with Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Flamethrower are preferred instead of Chansey since they have a larger SpA The blissey is not meant for any attack, of any sort, blissey/ chancey has toxic, soft boiled, protect/wish, and one sp.move just to do minor damage. It doesn't need the sp.atk boost LOL,dude, Ice Beam is a way to deal with stallbreakers like: Gliscor, Flamethrower is a way to deal with Steel-types that are obviously immune to toxic, and thunderbolt is a way of dealing with Bulky Water-Types, it makes a big difference in Damage between Blissey and Chansey Blissey's calculations: 0 SpA Blissey Ice Beam vs. 244 HP / 200+ SpD Gliscor: 188-224 (53.4 - 63.6%) - 84.8% chance to 2HKO after Poison Heal Chansey's calculations: 0 SpA Chansey Ice Beam vs. 244 HP / 200+ SpD Gliscor: 108-128 (30.6 - 36.3%) - 11.8% chance to 4HKO after Poison Heal If it was bad, neither in Smogon would the Calm Mind Blissey set with the BoltBeam combo...
  13. Yujii

    First PvP TEAM

    You have two Pokemons that deserve as SPDEF tanks (i.e Blissey and Snorlax). One is enough. Its up to you which you prefer to use. Snorlax could offer offensive presence, while Blissey offers more bulk and take status effects. Snorlax could also take status effects, however rest puts it into sleep for 3 turns, making it vulnerable towards set ups. Since you're using Weevile and Dragonite, you will need something that can put away hazards such as stealth rock, either a spinner or a defogger. I would recommend a Donphan. Adding a Poliwrath sounds good, as rest of your team mates seem weak to Weavile and Crawdaunt, two deadly overused Pokemon(s). Weavile, Dragonite, Snorlax, Magnezone, Donphan, Poliwrath. Azumarill seems like a threat to this team I recommended. However, with the right plays, you can manage :) It is a good team, but I would put a defensive Scizor instead of Poliwhrat, for simple reasons ... first that Scizor offers multiple resistances like: Dragon / Poison / Psychic, can handle Azumarill better than Poliwhrat, and exerts a pressure Offensive over the opponent, and still manages to check Crawdaunt and Weavile.
  14. A Talonflame has more synergy with the team, Talonflame benefits much more from the team (duggy support for trap ttar, a good check for Swords Dance Offensive talonflame, maybe Blissey's Thunderbolt helps with Slowbro), already Conkeldurr ... which is His synergy with the team? And talonflame offers you important resists like: Fight and Ground
  15. lol dude, blissey not counter gengar, and... Gengar not have Counters
  16. Dude, this Blissey has Thunderbolt, and Blisseys with Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Flamethrower are preferred instead of Chansey since they have a larger SpA
  17. Well ... this team obviously has playstyle defined as: balanced, so well, come on. This team does not seem to have a very solid defensive core, as Ferrothorn and Blissey easily die for wallbreakers like: Ape I Breloom I Mamoswine I BDrum Azumarill and others, a good core could be: Skarmory + Blissey (SkarBliss) that even losing to Ape , We have Tentacruel which is a good check of Ape.Tentacruel AV is not a good one, since it has no decent ways to recover HP, so Black Sludge is the best option indeed, with the moveset: Scald / Acid Spray / Toxic Spikes / Rapid Spin (Timid 16 Spe / 252 HP / 28 SpD / 212 Def), which is a great utility, well this team also seems weak to stall, so the best Togekiss set would be: Air Slash / Heal Bell / Roost / Nasty Plot , It would be interesting to put Stealth Rock in Dugtrio, and Spikes in Skarmory, to exert pressure on the opponent, well this team suffers with something, that we agree, every team suffers: Azumarill Belly Drum, even having Tentacruel is not enough since low Dies for aqua jet, so a good one Pokemon that could help him soften that weakness would be Talonflame who can revenge kill Azumarill after Bdrum, and still manages to check Clefable, I would probably place an Offensive Swords Dance Talonflame which is an interesting set with the support of Dugtrio that catches Tyranitar but still Would have to deal with a possible Slowbro, but you will have to accept that Slowbro will be a pretty annoying thing to deal with your team Obs : The Spread of Dugtrio and Togekiss not make sense, the better spread of duggy is 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def, and Togekiss is 248 HP / 252 Spe / 8 SpA, oh and a speed control would be nice, but the reason for not having one is that I did not find space for it
  18. 300k? too low sorry
  19. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>3 TM Rain Dance for Raikou Guardian -.-...</t>
  20. Money only, sorry
  21. Hello I want to offer for this talonflame (high offers), I would like to inform you that this is not an auction, I only want offers and then I decide to whom I sell ( Obs : i trade for epic/good impish h.a gliscor ) :y:
  22. Nature naive is not bad, makes it a good scarf mixed, killing gliscors with ice beam or steel types with fireblast / flamethrower, outspeed (with scarf) gengar / base 110 and manages to trap him with pursuit or kill with crunch depending on his moveset
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