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Posts posted by Frux

  1. Re: Newbie's 3rd Map


    <r><QUOTE author="JEED" post_id="380976" time="1493721282" user_id="151283"><s>


    Nice Frux, what programs do you use? I would like to learn :)<br/>




    Tiled. Sometimes I use Gimp to adjust some tiles</r>

  2. Nice idea, i just have one cons about it:

    - I don't PVP so i don't know exactly how many time players wait for a PVP Match. Maybe, this new Non-Ranked mode can reduce the number of PVP Ranked player, so increase a lot the time to find an opponent. Consequently, the matchmaking will be affected and low players will fight more often high rank and vice versa.

    But the opposite effect may occur, players who don't PVP will start after testing the Non-Ranked.


    yup maybe. But in my opinion people will only participate on Rank due to points they'll accumulate. How about those people who doesn't care about points and just want to enjoy the

    PVP system. Actually Non-Ranked were meant for those people who uses the "/battle" command. If Ranked players participate on Non-ranked its their loss anyway they wont receive any points.

    Non-Ranked PvP currently also holds no rules, would require Shane to code that queue in, but i certainly like the idea.


    "Non-Ranked No Rules" (only startable if outside of the Pokecenter is a must be though, since we need to see if people are actually pvping with rules or not, but that's just a concern of staff :P)


    Well uhm how about a simple tag indication: icon- perhaps?, which will be put in the battle screen whether a battle is performed in Ranked or not. Is it possible?

  3. Well as the title says, pretty sure y'all gets it.


    Aside from Ranked queue button please include a Non-Ranked queue button in the PVP window.


    The purpose of this is to exercise or test one's team. Yes, I am aware of that "/battle <name>" command. But isn't too tedious? specially when none of your friends could battle you atm or you're just a lone wolf. I'm sorry if I can't think of any cons, since imo most of the games with rank pvp has non-rank pvp included.


    In non-ranked:

    -No coins earned.

    -No points earned.


    Should we include, No timer and No rules?

    I would like to also bump this thread:Save battle replay

    It was locked, without even denied nor approved, didn't saw it listed in the denied section in here:READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUGGESTION!

    I'm still keeping my hopes up for it. lol

  4. Re: Newbie's 2nd Map


    <r><QUOTE author="CharizardTR" post_id="380254" time="1493575598" user_id="1650139"><s>


    Ahhh can anyone say how do you guys make these maps any clue?<br/>




    Check this thread : <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=473"><s></s>Mapping<e></e></URL><br/>


    Also try checking out other player's showcases there, so you'll have a hint to prevent or at least reduce errors.</r>

  5. Re: Newbie's 2nd Map


    <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="378875" time="1493285314" user_id="1120928"><s>


    <QUOTE author="Frux" post_id="375577" time="1492477450" user_id="213263"><s>






    Ay I found my first attempt LOL but it's horrible XD<br/>



    </s><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/jX9oGq6.png"><s></e></IMG><e>




    Well atleast we now know it aint easy to be a mapper <E>:confused:</E> <br/>


    still I'll make more soon. <E>:devil:</E></r>

  6. Re: My whole character got wiped after 21+ days gameplay time and hundreds of dollars!!!


    <t>Youre maybe on the wrong server mate , coz the default server now is Blue.</t>

  7. I see youre still not used to it mr. Emperor. You have my condolences. I can only suggest to charge it to experience since I doubt the suggestion will be implemented.


    As said by others, dont let yourself ran out of balls before refilling it. Specially when youre far from marts. And get used to bad luck, youre in hell.

  8. Well I dont think upcoming players would like it, probably most of em will say its too tedious. Specially when you're having extreme badluck, wherein in the 6 or more hours run no starter pops. Which then eventually, in worst cases, loses interest and quits the game. :(


    but maybe an option where a player will choose whether he:

    prefer to hunt for his desired starter for hours/days

    or just choose the starter the professor has prepared.

  9. It most probably be reworked soon since Shane has more priorities. Pretty sure Shane also wants a drag and drop but maybe it isnt possible as of now. I agree with Prehax and I know, u know, its also a no biggie atleast for the majority of players, as long as were able to sort the move set its better than nothin.


    EDIT: maybe it can be hide by making it transparent(invisible). Like in html, wherein it will only be visible if u hover and click on it. ?

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