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Posts posted by Frux

  1. 359917 so the reward is pointless for myself

    yup that was i'm aiming, to have a reward wherein no one would say its pointless, pvper/non. But I think its inevitable.


    Mehh RUK is OP af :y: , its pointless to use it as reference. lol

  2. 359901 10x 75 people each guild = 750 players each server

    3 server = 3 x 750 = 2250 people


    a season goes for around 45days = 45 x 24 = 1080 hours


    a 25% xp boost goes for 3 days, so everyone has 15 free 25% xp boosts potions ( 45 : 3 = 15 )


    15 x 2250 = 33750 potions needed


    33750 x 20 = 675000 coins would that cost


    675000 : 100 = 6750 (how often you need to purchase coins)


    6750 x 5$ = 33750$ (the costs for that)



    I know its just stupid math and in reality it's not like that but again the reward is pretty generous.



    ps: correct my mistakes if there are any lul

    Good calculation +1 for the efforts.


    Yup its a very good incentive.

    For grinders yea, but for PvP guys I think they really cant utilize it much since they spends their time mostly doing pvp to maintain the boost. I'm pretty sure high ranking guilds consists more (or i think all) PvP players than grinders.


    Some maybe think the boost is enough prize for the Pvp people since it help them train their pokes fast for pvp tho.

    - Which i think is like, no profit from their investment.


    I'm not into pvp ever, neither is a money hoarder/hungry. was just placing myself in their shoe. :Crazy:

  3. 359868 We guild leaders spend time, sometimes money, game money as well to make intern events, tournaments, giveaways, etc... Just to cheer up the players saying '' Yeah we can go further '' '' lets play pvp to raise our guild rate''.

    Its hard u know?

    I'm not into opposing u or smth. But if your members are forcing u to produce those things, in-exchange for their efforts. I think its inappropriate.

    But then again, its your guild after all and was just my opinion.


    Anyway, adding more reward other than 25% boost is a good idea, specially when you guys are one of the top 3.

  4. 358974 I keep being told that it's just "Bad luck". Well, it's not bad luck if it happens all the time. And it does happen all the time.

    imo if its only you who is experiencing this. I can assure its just a superultramega-badluck. Perhaps its time for you to brainstorm some other ways to beat bosses.

  5. If u mean by nerf is "to ban". I don't think so, because of it those pokemons are used, and earned the title as "Stall" or tanks in some cases. If it were to be removed. They'll be history and soon the pvp meta will be too.

  6. 356374-snip-


    I think a best solution that suits for your demand without affecting the economy is, maybe banning all pokes that are product of breeding on ranked PVP. how about that? crazy huh? but im pretty sure thats the only solution possible to accommodate your demand.

  7. 355996 1/1000 would be way to high and we would see WAY more shinies from NPC's


    yea maybe, maybe not.


    In-addition, before and after a staff said it. There was a alot of people receiving shiny karp from karp salesman at route 3. Which is easy coz u only need to pay 1.5k but on bosses it needs timeplayed, lv100pokes, quest completions, etc. thats why only few receives em. Thats why I believe what he said was real about the 1/1000. perhaps they changed it now i rarely see shiny karps from karp salesman poppin in.

  8. I'm the one who told u to request on spriting. I might have referred the wrong section.


    I'm pretty sure youtube and google can help you with making a gif specially the easy 2-4 frames of animation of the sprite.


    Anyway, just in-case no one can help you. Otherwise ignore this.








    Too lazy to find the exact color but I hope this will suffice.


  9. It is just a minor visual bug which affects nothing on a certain area. I think it is mostly produced by lagness/delay of the client maybe due to your network. So dont worry or dont get your hopes up for special pokemon on that particular area.

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