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Bulehoror's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. -If I do not agree with the final offer I have the right to keep the pokes https://prntscr.com/epelqv SO 400K INSTA 1M pm me ingame bulehoror thank you .
  2. Re: 31 Spd Jolly Garchomp <t>1,1m thx</t>
  3. FERRO SOLD out !!!
  4. fly high my post !!
  5. up up
  6. thank you sir for letting me know . can you seee it now ?
  7. up up up
  8. up up up
  9. up up up
  10. -If I do not agree with the final offer I have the right to keep the pokes -At least 100k between offers Ferro ( SOLD OUT!!! ) https://prntscr.com/eiw9wl so 500k insta 1m Exca https://prntscr.com/eiw9en so 500k insta 2m Exca (SOLD OUT ) https://prntscr.com/ej9gbv so 500k insta 1m pm me ingame for negotiable price : bulehoror Thank you
  11. wtb adamant / jolly pawniard / bisharp defiant show me with the price . thank you
  12. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Huge Updated 2/2) Come and see possible give away <t>i buy the tyra 1m3 thx</t>
  13. Re: PVP Tentacruel <t>900k for me</t>
  14. Re: Wts Slowbro and Donphan <t>1.2m for slowbro</t>
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