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Everything posted by Roniix

  1. The best way to make money is to go to a place where strong pokes appear and start to train there. They usually drop more poke$ than others. You can also try to catch a rare 1 to sell it (if it has good stats) or use covet on pokes that may have items, so you can sell them Other tip to catch pokes use a watchog, with superfang and Hypnosis. It will be much easier, i catch every poke from 1 pokeball. (star piece = 9k) (don't know where to sell them on johto, on kanto is next to bill's house) Hope I helpped you with somthing! :Grin:
  2. Most of the time the server are overloaded. Just check the page to see how much ppl are connected, or to see if it is online or offline Link: https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/
  3. Did you tried with : Options --> Resolution ?? Or touching ALT + Enter ?? i have the same problem, and ill try ALT + Enter and it works!! thanks so much!! :Smile: No problem! Im here to help :D
  4. Hi! The server is not full everytime. For example now there are 900/1450. Just try a few times and you will get in :Grin:
  5. You mean on SS Ane? You have to get the pecha berry, give it to the man that has a Kadabra, and then go and talk with a Blissey. She will give you the potion. :Grin:
  6. Excuse me but I do not understand your question. The server is now online with 1442/1450 ppl connected.
  7. Hello Leon! Welcome to the game! jajaja My favourite side game was Mystery Dungeon (the 1st one) Red rescue team :P.
  8. Here you can report bugs deppending on they type: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
  9. Did you tried with : Options --> Resolution ?? Or touching ALT + Enter ??
  10. Roniix

    help me

    You will have to wait like everyone that wants to play. :Bored: jajajaja
  11. Welcome to PRO Shipuujin! Enjoy your stay! :D
  12. Welcome to the game Hate! And remember to train them hard befor going on a tough battle! jajaja
  13. Hahahahaha, I laugh a lot with the topic's title. Welcome to the game!
  14. Hi! Welcome back! I didn't know there was an admin with Blue's name jajaja, that's cool! :Grin:
  15. Hello Aleria! Welcome to the game! :Grin:
  16. Welcome to the game Jeehad!! Enjoy it! :)
  17. Hola Zeth ! Bienvenido al juego! :Grin:
  18. Roniix

    7 island

    Hello! in order to visit Sevii islands you have to: *Beat the Elite 4 of Kanto. *Have an active Membership *Go and talk with the sailor on Vermillion.
  19. Roniix


    Here you have snorlax info:
  20. I didn't touch anything and now the sign is again bigger. I don understand why the gif sometimes is 64 x 58 and sometimes is 200 x 181. I will have to put and image, instead of a gif :Nervous: PS: I Resized it hope this time the gif don't grow up jajaja.
  21. Following the links that you provided, it took me directly to my posts. Are you still encountering this problem? If so, try to clear your cache. Let me know if you're still being re-directed to the home page. Yes I still have that problem. Evreytime I touch: "Show your posts / Search your topics, it takes me to home page :confused: :_
  22. I didn't touch anything and now the sign is again bigger. How can I resize it? I don understand why the gif sometimes is 64 x 58 and sometimes is 200 x 181. I will have to put and image, instead of a gif :Nervous:
  23. They are working on it. Now its 1450! Just give it time, that's why it's a Beta :Grin:
  24. The system works on Windows, Linux and Android. Im not pretty sure what was the question, but try downloading it and tell me what happened. :Grin:
  25. I never bought the 25% exp boost so I don't know how to answer the 1st question, but the second question I think it won't work. Maybe if you have Membership + 25% exp boost you will get 75%. Other question: The 72 hours are real life time, as the memberships longs for 30 real life days.
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