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Everything posted by Roniix

  1. Welcome to the game! I think we all grow up but we still hear the 1st pokemon opening and we puts nostalgics :'). Enjoy the game and if you need somthing pm me ill try to help!
  2. It should be pokes that walks in 4 legs, like Lairon - Rhyhorn - Mamoswine - Donphan - Hippodown - etc. I like the idea of a mountain bike. I was thinking abou the same, it would be great if, when you get to Hoenn's bike shop, and if you have the 1st bike, if you want you can pay, for example 200k, and your bike, for a mountain bike, that could be used in either land or caves.
  3. It's not implemented yet. You can't evolve it, ill suggest you to wait for it.
  4. Some suggestions to avoid problems: -Don't scam people. -Don't make fake offers -Don't insult, either in any language or using asterisks ( *** ) -Use the correct channel: Don't try to sell or trade in other channels than "TRADE" channel. -Don't make spam Appart from ArjanforGames tips. And remember to always enjoy the game! :Grin:
  5. Roniix


    Added! Thanks for the info! :Grin:
  6. I want the Bannettite! jajaja and the aerodactyl's seems to be pretty hard xp. Question: Do i have to donate the fossils and nothing else? Or do I have to have them recorded on dex too?
  7. I've seen this problem with piloswine too. People should stop lvling pokemon to 100 and then try to evolve them, just to save time of training, you may lose a great poke :/
  8. When the server has a crash/rollback, you may get a bug or glitch that will make you lose something. Some people lose even shinies pokes recently captured. It's difficult to get the items back, so ill suggest to have a deep breath, think that it could have been worse, and continue playing. :/
  9. To see the happines of a pokemon you can either touch the poke and look the orange bar, or just write the command /happy 1 [(1 = to the possition of the pokemon) it could be 1 to 6] and it will appear how much in number it has. Each battle won will reward you with 1 point. :Grin:
  10. Hello Kendrick! Welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy it and if you need anything send me and ill try to help! :Grin:
  11. Very good job indeed, this will help lot of people. Thanks for the input!
  12. oh sry i didn't see that he put "image" jaaja. I think that it has been reported that bug. But thanks for the input!
  13. Bro we can't see the image.
  14. Re: wts <t>Dude it's a very good charizard but ppl won't see it if the image is that small. Try using a bigger image or a better uploder like "Imgur.com"</t>
  15. It's pretty awesome, hope you play it and join the comunity!
  16. Hello! It's nice to have you on the forum. Try to follow the hot topics to be informed about the newest things!
  17. I think that it's imposible to find a poke with 0 iv's, think the minimum is 1.
  18. Please fix this. Most of the trainers are wrong. Claire has a kingdra, an Aerodactyl, a dragonair, and a charizard, appart from dragonite
  19. Did you deleted the data folder before downloading the new version? If so then try doing what it appears there. About the Direct3D Grapphics. Sry i 've never seen that error, don't know well what to do :/. Try with other version of the client.
  20. It's not down.... The problem may be with your cache, try cleaning it or reseting the PC/Modem. I just tried and it does download: Here are the links: -https://tiny.cc/PROx64 -https://tiny.cc/PROx86
  21. https://pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php here they are, v_91
  22. if they are epic clefairy and ponyta may be somthing, but they are very common u.u
  23. Sry but you can't reset your acc. You can make 2 acc per e-mail, or create another account with a different e-mail.
  24. Re: Bird Keep Sebastian is Jesus... <r><QUOTE author="Penasaur"><s> </e></QUOTE> It's Jesus Christ!! <E>:Shocked:</E></r>
  25. Noone hacked your acc. This is a common error, just wait 5-10 minutes and try again.
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