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About Braj

  • Birthday 12/27/1998

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. https://gyazo.com/5b6ae7c35a69f4ca0739233341a0b526 have this if ur interested
  2. Great news :)
  3. Porygon auction canceled
  4. BUMP 18 hours left on porygon auction
  5. Bump 2 days left on pory
  6. All seems nice but i would want the server transfer fee to be more than 300k. My suggestion would be around 500k-1m. My reasoning is 300k would be way too cheap for people to transfer over and buy shinies/epics and then transfer back. And for the people that wants to transfer to play with their friends its only a one time payment for them so 500-1m should'nt be hard. Also remove the payment with cc.
  7. +1 SYLVIE
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