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About Kitsumi

Kitsumi's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Will talk to Shane later about it when he is around.
  2. Congrats to all of the players and guilds who made it onto the ladder <3
  3. An admin has been contacted to see if we can help you. No promises though.
  4. Re: Free Sig Shop <r><QUOTE author="EmperorRyuga" post_id="375989" time="1492600963" user_id="1628389"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Heehee don't worry about me being staff, I like your signatures. I'd like the character with anyone who is Kitsune. Cute is best. Also a side request. When it is finished could you PM me it instead of posting it here?</r>
  5. Re: Free Sig Shop <t>Could I get one? ^-^</t>
  6. Merry Easter :blush:
  7. Dang. What a great counter argument to a valid point. Just like the rest of the people who started the main post of this topic :^)
  8. Nobody on staff has a digital reward as the sole incentive to spend 6 months on PRO, don't worry about it ;3 From what I'm reading in this topic I would think other things lol. Staff members get contacted to join (rarely are there applications). Then they are tested and taught how to staff. That is called the APP process. That lasts about a month. Then on top of that is another 6 months of working pretty much every day. Someone who is just in it for the reward would not only completely fail at the APP process, but would also burn out before the 6 month period and not receive there reward anyway. So thinking people are here just for the reward is silly and illogical. Yes everyone does have a chance to become staff. Get recognized from being nice and helpful in the community and you may be given a chance. If you are good enough you will make it past the APP stage and make it to a full staff rank.
  9. We didn't say it was fair really. We are just saying that these things are rewards for the work that is done for the game. My view on whether staff rewards should be used or not hasn't changed since I became staff and there is one main reason for why I believe they should be allowed. Staff spend most of there time staffing for this game. They volunteer there time to help out everyone. It gets exhausting doing that day in and day out and you find yourself not wanting to log onto your player account and actually play the game and have fun. After awhile maybe you just say "Hey I'm not having fun anymore so why am I here?". Rewards on player accounts bring more enjoyment back into the game with a Pokemon that is special to them that is allowed to be used and played with. I bet in the 6 months it takes for the reward to be earned you can hunt and find more than 5 epic extremely rare Pokemon and maybe more epic common Pokemon if you wanted. That's just my view on it.
  10. Could you take a video of you testing this out with a friend and showing the bug?
  11. --Moved to correct sub-form--
  12. The rule has been added to the main PvP rule post which states Each case will be looked at individually to assess the situation and to determine rightfully how to proceed with punishment or not. Furthermore the example you gave would be fine in that situation. Going into a battle not knowing who you are facing is the difference in this case. The rule is laid out so that only intentional feeding will be punished. The intent to go into ranked PvP to give others points is what we are after here. The public call out has been removed. Thank you for voicing your concerns.
  13. Unlocked as requested by original poster :Shy:
  14. Locked as requested from original poster.
  15. Me trying to get my life together
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