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Everything posted by Harjawaldar

  1. Thanks. Dm me on discord Harjawaldar#0299 to figure out the trade. If not possible, then dm me here.
  2. Hello i want to buy this. Contact me on discord Harjawaldar#0299
  3. Hello, i want to buy these two. Contact me on discord Harjawaldar#0299
  4. Bump
  5. I suggest adding a way to obtain salac berries. I know they are available in love island and pinkan island but after searching there a few times i have gathered exactly 0 and even if i keep searching i will get maybe 2-3 after a lot of attempts. Maybe add it in pve coin shop or something.
  6. +1 coin rewards used to get berries like salac which are pretty much impossible to get any other way can help make it more popular
  7. .
  8. Hello. All pokes are on auctions and all auctions last 24 hours from first bid. minimum bid is 50k for all of them. 1.Ferrothorn: S.O. 250k, Insta 450k 2.Beedrill: S.O. 300k, Insta 550k 3.Chestnaught: S.O. 300k, Insta 550k 4.Azumarill: S.O. 150k, Insta 350k 5.Venusaur HP Fire: S.O. 300k, Insta 500k
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