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Walrosskastanie's Achievements

Newbie Trainer (1/12)
Iiziitroll started following Walrosskastanie
Naskarankit started following Walrosskastanie
Amberleemoon started following Walrosskastanie
St4rk started following Walrosskastanie
Panchalaniket20 started following Walrosskastanie
PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Cames Friendliest: - Funniest: - Coolest: - Comeback Player of the Year: - Most Talkative: Waleed1302 (409,689 messages in PRO Discord) Most Trustworthy: - Most Helpful: Waleed1302 (40,279 messages in support) Most Missed: - Most Influential: - Most Intriguing: AFCAdinho Most Experienced Player: - Best/Funniest Username: Thirsty Most Professional Guide Maker: - Most Professional Discord Moderator: - STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: - Best Artist: - Best Content Scripter: - Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: - Best Trade Moderator: - Best Tester: - Best Game Master: Epiales Best Admin: - Best Developer: Shaolan Best Staff Username: HappyMango Most Professional Staff: - Most Dedicated Staff: Epiales/Shinohara Funniest Staff: - Friendliest Staff: - Most Honorable Former Staff: - Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles
Walrosskastanie's and Cames' lending shop A Pokemon can be lend for 30 days for $250.000. Contact us in Discord to lend a Pokemon: Walrosskastanie#5832 Cames#0734 Pokemon Pokemon: Politoed Lent to: - Pokemon: Floatzel Lent to: - Pokemon: Kingdra Lent to: - Pokemon: Kingdra Lent to: - Pokemon: Omastar Lent to: - Pokemon: Kabutops Lent to: - Pokemon: Seismitoad Lent to: - Pokemon: Ninetales Lent to: - Pokemon: Venusaur Hidden Power Ice Lent to: - Pokemon: Charizard Lent to: - Pokemon: Victreebel Lent to: - Pokemon: Leavanny Lent to: - Pokemon: Shiftry Lent to: - Pokemon: Tyranitar Lent to: - Pokemon: Abomasnow Lent to: - Pokemon: Tangrowth Hidden Power Ice Lent to: - Pokemon: Tangrowth Lent to: - Pokemon: Slowbro Lent to: - Pokemon: Slowking Lent to: - Pokemon: Garchomp Lent to: - Pokemon: Chandelure Lent to: - Pokemon: Bisharp Lent to: - Pokemon: Dusknoir Lent to: - Pokemon: Glaceon Lent to: - Pokemon: Florges Lent to: - Pokemon: Blastoise Lent to: - Pokemon: Honchkrow Lent to: - Pokemon: Forretress Lent to: - Pokemon: Milotic Lent to: - Pokemon: Kangaskhan Lent to: - Pokemon: Zangoose Lent to: - Pokemon: Goodra Lent to: - Pokemon: Empoleon Lent to: - Pokemon: Togekiss Lent to: - Pokemon: Clawitzer Lent to: - Pokemon: Metagross Lent to: - Pokemon: Whismiscott Lent to: - Pokemon: Cofagrigus Lent to: - Pokemon: Lanturn Lent to: - Pokemon: Aerodactyl Lent to: - Pokemon: Sawk Lent to: - Pokemon: Dragalge Lent to: - Pokemon: Meganium Lent to: - Pokemon: Jolteon Lent to: - Pokemon: Arcanine Lent to: - Pokemon: Gastrodon Lent to: - Pokemon: Sylveon Lent to: - Pokemon: Electivire Lent to: - Pokemon: Klefki Lent to: - Pokemon: Sableye Lent to: - Pokemon: Krookodile Lent to: - Pokemon: Amoonguss Lent to: - Pokemon: Crawdaunt Lent to: - Pokemon: Sharpedo Lent to: - Pokemon: Skarmory Lent to: - Pokemon: Poliwrath Lent to: - Pokemon: Gyarados Lent to: - Pokemon: Gyarados Lent to: - Pokemon: Gyaradps Lent to: - Pokemon: Spiritomb Lent to: - Pokemon: Tentacruel Lent to: - Pokemon: Clefable Lent to: - Pokemon: Scizor Lent to: - Pokemon: Scizor Lent to: - Pokemon: Scizor Lent to: - Pokemon: Scizor Lent to: - Pokemon: Ampharos Lent to: - Pokemon: Magmortar Lent to: - Pokemon: Porygon-Z Lent to: - Pokemon: Gallade Lent to: - Pokemon: Azumarill Lent to: - Pokemon: Azumarill Lent to: - Pokemon: Mandibuzz Lent to: - Pokemon: Jellicent Lent to: - Pokemon: Gardevoir Lent to: - Pokemon: Snorlax Lent to: - Pokemon: Blissey Lent to: - Pokemon: Medicham Lent to: -
MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Cames Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Teerav Coolest: Enforcer Comeback Player of the Year: Porogenitor Most Talkative: eNvymeister Most Trustworthy: Cames Most Helpful: Buzzn Most Missed: Jaeco, Gambilicious, Nosafur Most Influential: Prehax Most Intriguing: Olafkun STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Suhuzen Best CC: Calahan Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: - Best Mapper: Diskuid Most Professional Staff: Letrix Most Friendly Staff: Shamac Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac Most Honorable Former Staff: Chappy
Best Gliscor of all servers
Walrosskastanie replied to Romantico's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>I offer 25m.</t> -
Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 22/09/17 - Letrix/Prof. Rowan added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <r><QUOTE author="LucasMC" post_id="455300" time="1508161496" user_id="1698856"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Geisterfalke" post_id="455368" time="1508167797" user_id="1712996"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Tiarra" post_id="455373" time="1508168567" user_id="337349"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="kadajblade" post_id="455387" time="1508169751" user_id="1580675"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Weevil80" post_id="455442" time="1508177441" user_id="974209"><s> </e></QUOTE> Everything added, thanks. :D</r>
[RED SERVER] Shiny Giveaway >.>
Walrosskastanie replied to Theakalli's topic in Unofficial Tournaments and Events
Count me in. -
First of all, I really want Gothitelle unbanned. I don't think that the reasons that were given to ban it are valid anymore. Many moves, abilities and items were coded. The only annoying/hateful thing about Gothitelle is the time it needs to setup in a fight, but the pokemon itself can be dealt with in my opinion. I also don't think that Blaziken needs to be banned. So also unbanned. I do think that Genesect should be banned.
First of all, I would like to thanks to you for giving an opportunity to introduce oneself. I play PRO for awhile, but never used the forum. I already poke around and found many useful categories. I used game guides and many other things. I am currently looking for a guild with active and nice members. I am 22 years and prefer a guild with mainly 18+ members to hold a certain standard and that's according to my experience easier with people around the same age. I plan to build or join a daycare shop to offer a level service. I am always willing to learn new things, so if you have any advices, post them. :thanks: :Smile:
It's about marking the Pokemon, so that when it appears in the chat it would have a different color for better clarity in trade chats for example. I don't think it will be necessary as there is an auction house system in the works. I read about the auction house, but I thought it might be a good idea until the auction house, because it's easy to implement. :thanks: to everyone who told me about their opinion. :Smile:
Hello, I have some suggestions for PRO. This is my first suggestion and I hope you don't waste your time. Please tell me, if I made mistakes. I will take it to heart. 1. Command to see the current queue (/queue) I would like to have a similar command as /online. It would be great, because there are times you need (after you brought coins for example) to or consider (change to another account for example) to relog. There are many people who ask how huge the queue is (because of the ghost queue for example) and you are able to answer them this way. 2. Light up the client in the taskbar, after you logged in It's really time-consuming to login at the moment, because of the huge queue time. I messed up more than once and had to enter the queue a second time, because I didn't see that I already logged in and got kicked due to inactivity. It would be great, if the client light up in the taskbar, after you logged in. So you don't miss it. 3. Observation list (or something like that) I would like to have something where you can choose pokemon (and maybe if shiny or not) and if someone posts this pokemon, the background behind the name (<Dragonite> for example) will be colored (or something similar). It would make it easier to find the Pokemon you are looking for. It's really hard to find them, because many spam in chats (Especially trade chat). I hope there is something useful. :Grin: :thanks: