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Everything posted by Popinsmoke

  1. Hello all, i want to sell this Ferrothorn, the Pokémon is on the Gold Server at the moment but will be delivered to Silver if the winner is from Silver. Bids can be made on this thread, the auction will run for 48 hours after it started. Unrelated comments and fake offers will be reported. Start Price: 1.5M Minimum raise: 200K Insta: 7M Duration: 48 hours when started Accepted payments: - Cash - Coin Capsule as 350K each Current Offer: 2M6 by Nayasky
  2. Please check properly first then before commenting, that was a different Garchomp, everything that is listed is still available. Plus fake buying is not really appreciated with a quick edit.
  3. Rotom sold and removed
  4. Feraligatr sold and removed
  5. Alright let me know when u can log in
  6. Auction over, Pokémon has been delivered on Gold
  7. Noted, 15 minutes from your offer started
  8. 1M by Marcot11 - 15 minutes extended again
  9. Noted, your offer was 1 minute before the endtime so 15 minutes from your post is the new end time if no new offers.
  10. Garchomp #2 sold and removed
  11. Alright, im ingame in vermilion atm if you want to pick it up now
  12. Noted, best offer 800K now
  13. New best offer, 700K by Erdem123
  14. Tyranitar #2 sold and removed
  15. Ralts sold and removed,
  16. Heliolisk and Politoed sold and removed
  17. Drilbur sold and removed
  18. Since you did not read the rules, as well as the player who commented after you about the Clefable neither of your offers were valid to begin with, this is why i have put it in the cross server section to meet both of you midway. Cheers
  19. Noted, you're the B.o now
  20. Noted, your post started the 48 hours.
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