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Everything posted by Popinsmoke

  1. Just put a black sludge on it and use role play, takes like 1 minute max
  2. Sorry forgot to update, bought diggersby ingame already but thanks. list updated, togepi added
  3. If all you can do is act negative on people who dont agree with you i think you should be the one who shouldnt speak. Havent seen you give 1 actual good reason to bring it back. The only thing you do is try to trashtalk people who disagree, and failing too. Show some proper arguments before you try.
  4. Plays fine without staffview, now maps are actually more enjoyable to explore instead of just instantly seeing were to go, and if its because of the work of mappers its pretty reasonable they removed it imo,
  5. Garchomp and Relaxed Ferro bought, list updated
  6. Bump, Sassy Ferrothorn bought.
  7. Nvm, i will move to silver if my 900k is the winning offer, So 900k will be my offer.
  8. Only for silver? if ur able to move it to gold ill offer 900K
  9. bump
  10. Looking for the following Pokemon: Adamant Tyranitar Bold Rotom Togepi timid Max Speed Adamant Guts Conkeldurr 20+ is what im looking for. Feel free to link a screenshot with your price on this thread or Pm me on discord; Popinsmoke#2431 Feel free to link any pre-evo or untrained, they dont have to be pvp ready.
  11. Yes, as you can read the Riolu is the only thing left. The others got removed/sold
  12. Due to the low offers the oother shinies have been removed. Only the riolu left.
  13. Helioptile has been sold and removed from the thread. The other shinies will be removed too since the offers are to low.
  14. Auction for Riolu started due to the amount of interest. Helioptile removed from the shop.
  15. Didnt see your offer before i posted my previous message, it is something to think about, i will let you know tomorrow.
  16. I have a 15m Offer on the Helioptile so i would have to decline this offer since it will most likely be sold seperately tonight No thanks Due to the massive amount of offer/pms on the riolu it will most likely be on auction tomorrow. Same for the Cofagrigus. Crustle has been sold and removed.
  17. From you nothing anymore, u can stop checking this shop since i wont be selling anything to you now.
  18. I will accept your offer, let me know when and where u wanna make the trade. Its a nice offer but ill have to decline it, sorry
  19. I like your offer, ill let u know if i accept in a bit when im able to go online, No thank you Offer. No thank you
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