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About Pyromaker187

  • Birthday 06/24/1995

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  1. In-Game name: Pyromaker187 Discord tag:PyroNatsu#7545 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord:Everyday multiple times What is one suggestion you have for Pro Discord: Nothing, I enjoy the way it is.
  2. Pyromaker187 Hunting and Training Service Pyromaker187 here, welcoming you to a brand new hunting and training service for the wonderful Silver Server. Thank you for reading and keep enjoying the wonderful world of PRO. How to request Simple! Post here, or private message me. Pokemon Name. Desired Iv's and Ev's. Nature and Ability. Want trained or fresh catch. Prices Each Tier has a set price, then pokemon rating adds to price. Tier 1&2- 10k Tier 3&4- 15k Tier 5- 20k Tier 6&7- 30k Tier 8&9- 50k Any Iv= No charge Specific Iv's- Depends on what is desired. (Ex- All Iv wanted over 20= Additional 12k Per 20 Iv) (Extremely rare high end pokemon will of course be more, we will discuss before service is taken.) Any safari pokemon will have additional cost. Training Training is offered with all hunts, also can get training service separate. Lvl10-50- 200 per lvl Lvl50-80 450 per lvl Lvl 80-90 1k per lvl Lvl90-100 5k per lvl. Ev training with lvl training is a base pay. 252 EV is 20k 510 EV is 45k Service time varies. Hunting service can take longer depending on request. Training service complete 2-4 days after request is taken.
  3. Yea that would be me. I forgot about the story lock and we didnt think to ask.
  4. Re: Karps ~ [red] <t>Pyromaker187<br/> Almost 200 hours, 8 badges<br/> I hunt and sell rares.<br/> Want to be a Karp again because it's the very best, and I miss my guildies old and new.<br/> I am already on Discord and English is my primary language. <3 Doc and our queen Jaz</t>
  5. Buying the xmas themed buneary. Any stats IDC honestly bad stats would be preferred so it's cheaper. Let me know ign is Pyromaker187 pm me there or here
  6. No for sell, sorry~ Ughh you giving me hard decision since I have Christmas Ursa but I love it yet shiny pix is my favorite shiny
  7. Okay okay I gotta ask would you sell the Shiny Vulpix????
  8. Thank you kind sir
  9. Its not a bad idea but doubt they would implement since we can't trade johto pokemon to people that never been there
  10. I agree with thi please PRO don't change and give in. Your going the right way with what yall are doing. You can't make everyone happy but don't ruin it completely because people complain. The community is behind you.
  11. Thank you staff for everything and making PRO the amazing game it is
  12. Hey I am a active player. Mainly a hunter lol would love to join and watch as Team Magma becomes the champions :)
  13. Doggy I am a friend from a long time ago. Doctor 6 told me to apply lol let me in. Only 100 in game hours and I hunt so story no important to me that much lol but I wanna join all I do is help people in help chat.
  14. Omg yes please do so many questions asking for it. .
  15. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>I would like to join :). <br/> Ign: Pyromaker187<br/> My favorite type is fire and dragon. Favorite poke is Charizard been with me since I started on pokemon red.<br/> I am ambitious and goal in PRO is Collector and also Hunter.<br/> I want to join because I love what you stand for family and I was apart of Blaze in another pokemon mmo and loved you all.<br/> Final objective in Pro is to collect the rare shines. Not much of a competing battles just for fun.</t>
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