Pyromaker187 Hunting and Training Service
Pyromaker187 here, welcoming you to a brand new hunting and training service for the wonderful Silver Server. Thank you for reading and keep enjoying the wonderful world of PRO.
How to request
Simple! Post here, or private message me.
Pokemon Name.
Desired Iv's and Ev's.
Nature and Ability.
Want trained or fresh catch.
Each Tier has a set price, then pokemon rating adds to price.
Tier 1&2- 10k
Tier 3&4- 15k
Tier 5- 20k
Tier 6&7- 30k
Tier 8&9- 50k
Any Iv= No charge
Specific Iv's- Depends on what is desired. (Ex- All Iv wanted over 20= Additional 12k Per 20 Iv)
(Extremely rare high end pokemon will of course be more, we will discuss before service is taken.)
Any safari pokemon will have additional cost.
Training is offered with all hunts, also can get training service separate.
Lvl10-50- 200 per lvl
Lvl50-80 450 per lvl
Lvl 80-90 1k per lvl
Lvl90-100 5k per lvl.
Ev training with lvl training is a base pay.
252 EV is 20k
510 EV is 45k
Service time varies. Hunting service can take longer depending on request. Training service complete 2-4 days after request is taken.