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Everything posted by Niome

  1. Re: WTS Epic Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (AUCTION) <t>Auction Time lowered to 24 Hours, Bump!</t>
  2. I won against him with, Leech Seed + Sleep Powder. Still has the same dialog when you win tho.
  3. Re: WTS Epic Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (AUCTION) <t>BUMP!</t>
  4. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! [RED] <t>Bump!</t>
  5. Re: WTS Epic Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (AUCTION) <r><QUOTE author="Lysium"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Auction has been Started!, You're now B.O!</r>
  6. Re: WTS Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (21,30,19,24,27,15) <t>Bump!</t>
  8. Re: WTS Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (21,30,19,24,27,15) <r><QUOTE author="Lysium"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> alright you're b.o! ^^</r>
  9. Re: WTS Carefull Thick Fat Snorlax (21,30,19,24,27,15) <t>Bump!</t>
  10. Sold 700k to xronyx
  11. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! [RED] <t>Bump!!</t>
  12. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! [RED] <r><QUOTE author="Bastiodon"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Thanks! ^^</r>
  13. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! <r><QUOTE author="duynghia101"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Added! ^^</r>
  14. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! <r><QUOTE author="Adm1ral"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Added!</r>
  15. Re: Niome's Artwork Shop! <t>Bump!</t>
  16. I am currently, yes! Sorry we missed you in the discord! Sometimes we may be away from our computers even though it says we are online :( Let me know if you are still interested! :Heart: It's fine ^^ I will rejoin the Discord :D, tell me on Discord if you're Free!
  17. Are you free? ^^
  18. Re: |~| Artwork Shop |~| RED SERVER |~| SIGNATURE & YOUTUBE BANNER |~| <r><E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> Bump!</r>
  19. Re: Hoenn Teleport quest giving me cancer <r>Here's a guide to the Transport Quest. <br/> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=31585"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 19&t=31585">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=31585</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
  20. Re: |~| Artwork Shop |~| RED SERVER |~| SIGNATURE & YOUTUBE BANNER |~| <r><QUOTE author="Dofalmingo"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Could you add me Instead? Niome 々#3531</r>
  21. Re: |~| Artwork Shop |~| RED SERVER |~| SIGNATURE & YOUTUBE BANNER |~| <t>Bump, Twitch Banner will be Available soon ^^</t>
  22. Gl on the Shop ^^
  23. Re: |~| Artwork Shop |~| RED SERVER |~| SIGNATURE & YOUTUBE BANNER |~| <t>Bump ^^</t>
  24. I want that Togekiss, But i am Broke Lol. Bump :D
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