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Everything posted by Albertmstrlugia

  1. Trade was done, topic can be closed. Best regards
  2. Greetings, @Agentx6969 won the auction. Please contact me in-game in order to make the trade. Furthermore i thank all partecipants for bidding
  3. C.O 40k by Agentx6969 About 31hrst left
  4. Start Offer 20k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  5. Trade was done, topic can be closed. Best Regards
  6. Please write me in-game or tell me your nick. Thanks!
  7. Well, i don't get it. Please indicate me what should i do. I only have to wait and the staff will make the trade? ty
  8. Greetings, Evan1011 won the auction. Please contact me in-game in order to male the trade. Furthermore i thank all partecipants for bidding
  9. C.O 220k by Viriwiir About 26hrst left
  10. C.O 200k by Leandronrl About 36hrst left
  11. C.O 100k by Kav3 About 36hrst left
  12. C.O 50k by Kalja About 36hrst left
  13. Start Offer 20k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  14. Thank you, it results like trade was done properly. Best regards:)
  15. To Whom It May Concern, i'm asking the staff how to proceed, in order to make the deal. I can not find the user since 25th February. I'm kindly waiting for your support.
  16. Hi @Kauaxblack, Time is over for the auction. I'm just waiting the bidder to make the trade. If he will not be reachable i will ask the staff how to procede and if i could continue the auction or i have to give the pokemon to the previeous offer made during the auction time. Best Regards
  17. Still waiting for the user
  18. Greetings, Time Is over, The winner of the auction is @Enjeruhanami Plaese send me an email in order to estabilish the hour of the trade or dm me in game. Furthermore i thank all partecipants
  19. C.O. 200k by Enjeruhanami About 47h left
  20. C.O. 130k by J4son About 47h left
  21. C.O. 120k by Umberfr About 48h left
  22. Start Offer 80k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  23. Trade was done, topic can be closed. Best regards!
  24. Greetings, Time Is over, The winner of the auction is @Menz Plaese send me an email in order to estabilish the hour of the trade or dm me in game. Furthermore i thank all partecipants
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