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Fitygrands's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Selling Shiny Pachirisu Timid Nature [ATTACH=full]13799[/ATTACH] Start: 2m Min Raise: 500k Time: Done Current Offer: Sold Insta Price - Thanks
  2. Re: -Discord Link Inside- [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Showdown: Fitygrands<br/> Server: Blue</t>
  3. Like it. Would also like the option to change name of an account. +1
  4. I like it. Would be extremely helpful.
  5. I am too lazy to read up on your whole team, but for talonflame movest you probably want to get rid of flame charge or flare blitz since you only need one fire move. I would suggest putting roost in instead of that. You could remove steel wing for sword dance since that is how most people like to play and once you get a single sword dance in your talon is going to be pretty powerful. Goodra is a poor lead. You could try lead gengar, i have seen that a few times as long as you have a good team that resists dark/ghost. Glaceon is generally a poor pokemon for pvp, and you wouldn't want hail since that is going to hurt your pokes. I would suggest a tank in place of glaceon. You could throw a tangrowth instead since you dont have any grass coverage.
  6. Bump - updated pokes
  7. bump - new pokes and items
  8. Bump - New pokes & updated prices
  9. All Prices Insta * Message me ingame, here or post a comment * All prices are listed below * Can reset evs and teach new moves for half price - Trained Pokes only </SIZE></SIZE></SIZE> Trained Pokes <SIZE size="125"> <SIZE size="200">Untrained Pokes Items Sold
  10. Sorry about that, I'll get on momentarily. Of course! You're more than welcome. We're most certainly active, yes. I'll get to you momentarily. Cool. Just hit me up in game or send me a pm here if I am not online.
  11. Hey looking for a more active guild on Blue! If you guys are active on blue, would be interested in joining. I have 525+ hours in game
  12. Re: [Work in progress] Complete PRO Pokedex! <t>Looking great. This is going to be super useful for all of the new players!</t>
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