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Everything posted by Fitygrands

  1. Selling Shiny Pachirisu Timid Nature [ATTACH=full]13799[/ATTACH] Start: 2m Min Raise: 500k Time: Done Current Offer: Sold Insta Price - Thanks
  2. Re: -Discord Link Inside- [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Showdown: Fitygrands<br/> Server: Blue</t>
  3. Like it. Would also like the option to change name of an account. +1
  4. I like it. Would be extremely helpful.
  5. I am too lazy to read up on your whole team, but for talonflame movest you probably want to get rid of flame charge or flare blitz since you only need one fire move. I would suggest putting roost in instead of that. You could remove steel wing for sword dance since that is how most people like to play and once you get a single sword dance in your talon is going to be pretty powerful. Goodra is a poor lead. You could try lead gengar, i have seen that a few times as long as you have a good team that resists dark/ghost. Glaceon is generally a poor pokemon for pvp, and you wouldn't want hail since that is going to hurt your pokes. I would suggest a tank in place of glaceon. You could throw a tangrowth instead since you dont have any grass coverage.
  6. Bump - updated pokes
  7. bump - new pokes and items
  8. Bump - New pokes & updated prices
  9. All Prices Insta * Message me ingame, here or post a comment * All prices are listed below * Can reset evs and teach new moves for half price - Trained Pokes only </SIZE></SIZE></SIZE> Trained Pokes <SIZE size="125"> <SIZE size="200">Untrained Pokes Items Sold
  10. Sorry about that, I'll get on momentarily. Of course! You're more than welcome. We're most certainly active, yes. I'll get to you momentarily. Cool. Just hit me up in game or send me a pm here if I am not online.
  11. Hey looking for a more active guild on Blue! If you guys are active on blue, would be interested in joining. I have 525+ hours in game
  12. Re: [Work in progress] Complete PRO Pokedex! <t>Looking great. This is going to be super useful for all of the new players!</t>
  13. Looking for a h.a. froakie or evo. Will pay well if it has good ivs. Timid is preferred nature.
  14. I agree with both of these. I also think that for searching the pc, while you search the pokes should continue to show up. You shouldn't have to search the name exactly to find those pokes.
  15. So this happened w/ every Vulcan Island Shore. They all act like they have not battled me. But then a copy comes up and says the words as if I click on them after the battle. This happened when I left the island and came back.
  16. My issue with blissy is normally my blaziken is the first to go on my team and then i only have bisharp w/ life orb and he can die very easily. Then I have the issue of not being able to kill blissy. But that only happens when they have another tank, like slowbro. Tentacruel might work better than donphan since i would have to replace my vapereon and I would like to have a water poke. As for replacing bisharp or blaziken, I would have to test how both work. I am unsure what would be best. Thanks for the advice bud.
  17. I was thinking I had too many physical attackers. I am not sure what would be best to take out though and what to replace it since each one targets a specific type. I would likely remove my bisharp since it does not help me much, and I could replace him with a donphan. My issue is that I cannot remove both blaziken and bisharp since they are the only two that know fighting moves which helps me with a ton of pokes. I think I could replace my vaporeon with a starmie and that would do just as well since it would have a similar moveset... A donphan i think would do really well on my team. stealth rock is more or less instant death for me. i could put ice shard on it and then maybe I could replace starmie for something else... going to have to look at the special attackers and see what ones would help me the best. As for my clefable, I found that if i can just use one or two cosmic powers, normally can tank through anything plus have high attack. I have been tried catching a decent bold one, but couldnt get on that would be better than this. However, if a bold one would do that much better, I will go back and get one. Thanks for that advice bud. Gonna go try and find a good donphan first.
  18. Hey guys, I have playing pvp. I am have been doing okay i guess, ranging from normally 100-150. Of course I want to do much better. I am still sort of new to pvp but I am getting better w/ switching pokes in and our and understanding how to win. This is the current team I am running. When I win, I normally am able to switch pokemon in and out easily. I have a lot of success against gengars, since they are normally sent out against my clefable or vapereon then I can easily switch to either bisharp or garchomp. I find I lose when a good tanks come out, such as Blissy or Slowbro. Even thought I have moves set up against both (blaziken and bisharp for blissy and clefairy for slowbro) i still normally lose against them. Any help you can give me with pokes to put in or take out would be extremely helpful. Thank you!
  19. Ya i do not like this idea... really hope they do not introduce it.
  20. Looking for a good Torchic (or evo) w/ Speed Boost. Preferred ada or jolly. Please pm me here or in game with a link. Thank you.
  21. This is your issue: zsh: exec format error: This error means that your file is NOT an executable. So you need to chmod again. So do the following code: chmod +x /path/to/PokemonPro You can actually drag and drop the PokemonPro that is suppose to execute from your Downloads folder to get the direct path. If done correctly, terminal should not print anything. If you are still running into issues, quote me and reply so I get the notification.
  22. Have fun playing bud o/
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