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Everything posted by Raijin114

  1. No please don't tell me it's true, I spent like 2 days to hunt them and 1 more day to train them. If it's the case, why don't they just make it charizard/ blastoise/ venusaur for the quest. It will eliminate the issue.
  2. Dear team, I have accidentally evolved my charmander and squirtle so I cannot finish the Mega quest. Could you please help reverse it back to 1st form at lv 98 ? Below are their IDs Thank you very much and have a nice day. Best regards, Raijin114
  3. Hi team, I'm going to fight boss Tigerous but i cannot access to Eumi Island Theme Park 2, the girl at receptionist doesn't let me pass. Could you please check it for me ? Is it a bug or there's something I need to accomplish ? I'm trying to look it up on the internet but could not find any clue. Thank you for your support. Best regards,
  4. Re: Wts bold togekiss/defiant bisharp good one <t>I start bisharp, thanks ^^</t>
  5. Re: Epic klefki <t>800k by me ^^</t>
  6. Re: WTS 2 litwick <t>flash fire 500k by me</t>
  7. Can I start 200k ?
  8. ok inbox me pls. Tell me your time zone ^^ Tell me your zone time. Me login inbox you Im online now
  9. i can sell you 550k for both ^^ ok inbox me pls. Tell me your time zone ^^
  10. Hi mate, 150k for ninetale is acceptable for you ? ^^
  11. Hi mate, Can you do 500k for arcanine and shiftry ? Much appreciate ^^
  12. Re: Wts godly cofagrigus and starmie <t>I buy starmie 850k ^^</t>
  13. Re: H.a Impish garchomp and h.a blaziken <t>I start blazizken ^^</t>
  14. I start ^^
  15. oh ^^
  16. Thanks ^^ check inbox bro
  17. Time is over dude ^^
  18. Sorry bro, I was busy these days, check inbox pls ^^
  19. malamar 700k ^^
  20. I can start 1.2m if it's ok to u
  21. start timid one\ How much time left ?
  22. I will take heliokis ^^
  23. cant see your images @@
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