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About Skuid

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. It should be fixed now, thanks for your report.
  2. Treasure Cave map has been fixed, and the "Swimmer Brianna" is supposed to be there. (If you talk to her, you'll know why.) Thanks for your report.
  3. Fixed, thanks for your report.
  4. Already fixed, thanks for your report.
  5. Skuid

    Update Logs

    "Pokemon Tower Underground" revamped, also now you can use mounts there.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, now you can use mounts through the Pokemon Tower Underground.
  7. Fixed, thanks for your report. <3
  8. Skuid

    Update Logs

    Route 14 Revamped by Druz.
  9. Updated \o/
  10. Hello khurshid :) The Halloween candies are hidden in all Murky town, 4 in the houses, 3 are hidden in the surroundings and 3 in the Pokemon center. Can you provide evidence with images talking with the ten NPCs? :) Oh, and can you tell me what server are you from? please
  11. Thanks everyone, I hope to do more interesting remakes in the next days :Smile: :Heart:
  12. [mention]ROHIRIM85[/mention] Hola y buen dia Ricardo, este post lamentablemente esta muy desactualizado, te sugiero que busques en la seccion de guilds, ahi seguro encontraras alguna de habla hispana, un saludo :)
  13. [mention]9oomy[/mention] [mention]Neroli[/mention] [mention]DarkPhase[/mention] [mention]Letrix[/mention] Thanks you so much guys :Heart:
  14. ★ Remaking PRO ★ Hello Trainers! I've made this post to show you how we not only work in the new maps, but also in the old ones, to make always a great and beautiful game for you! The main idea is show you the old and new maps that we do to get feedback from you for futures new zones or remakes. It's probably that not all the remakes will be here, but I'll try to put the most importants. And ofc, you can also tell us what maps you think need a rework. I hope you like this idea ;) Warning: Some images can be very big.
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