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Everything posted by Yakuzah

  1. Hey mate, All good, how will you transfer, feel free to contact me on Discord so we complete the trade
  2. Hey mate, my discord is Yakuzah#6765 is like the best way to catch me in game, otherwise, lets say one hour and I will be there. Let me know here or in DMs mate.
  3. Thanks!!! Auction Officially starts, Will Close 5 days from now.
  4. Hello guys, I will start an auction for my baby. The auction will last 5 days from the first Bid. Bids should be +250K at least Minimun Price to start the auction: 5M Insta Price: 15M. Please, if I'm missing something, let me know. Long time without play or create a post, Any help or bump is welcome. Have fun!
  5. 500
  6. Thanks Cecilion, trade has been made.
  7. Is over I guess but please post the SS if you can
  8. Start
  9. It is reserved to a previous offer, we are coordinating the meet up. So is fair say that ye, it is sold.
  10. Hey mate, unfortunately it was sold like 3 hours ago in game. I will update the shop soon.
  11. Sold to @Kirubakaran @TheoBooBooSure, in around 6/7 hours I will be online.
  12. @NorexHey mate, thanks you, let me know when you ready to trade. @Kutothanks you mate, please let me know when you able to trade. @SideEffectawesome, let me know when you online.
  13. @Firebatt still Open? If yes 700K
  14. 600
  15. NAME CHANGE Username: Yakuzah New Username: YKZh Server to charge the money from:Silver
  16. Really good godly scizor. A bump for U mate. Good luck woth the Auction.
  17. Really good post mate. In the future we will see an improvement on PC Storage like this for sure.
  18. Timid, Naive or hastly. Tell me your price and we can talk.
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  19. Hello, I want: - Quiet Doublade. - Adamant Qwiflish.
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