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Everything posted by Yakuzah

  1. damn that was close i was distracted XD
  2. 160 spheal
  3. 130k spheal
  4. 250 magne
  5. 200K magne
  6. start all but not the slowpoke
  7. Hey, are u online, can go now! if not feel free to add me on discord (Yakuzah)
  8. Start
  9. Kingdra sold! Thanks!
  10. congratz @Pinothepug let me know whenever u online
  11. Hey I take the milotic 100K bold marvel
  12. I dm you on discord
  13. 6 hours left!
  14. Start
  15. 150K by Pinothepug!
  16. 125K from legend69420
  17. 75K by legend69420!
  18. Hello everyone, selling this one quick: Start offer: 50K Min Bid: 25K Insta: 350K Auction will last 16h after first bid! Alternative Payment Methods Coin capsule = 400k IVs RR = 500k Nature RR = 250k Rare candy = 5k More awesome pokes here! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/246195-the-amigos-shop-updated-17th-nov-prices-updated/
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