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Everything posted by Yakuzah

  1. ~35h lefts!
  2. Hello everyone, I want to sell this: The start offer is: 700k Best Offer: 1'1m (Supergangan) Insta price: 1'7m Offers can't be cancelled. The auction will last 48 hours from the first offer.
  3. Thanks TzRekJad! The auction starts now and ends the 20 of September at 19:08pm (Spanish Hour).
  4. As the only offer was cancelled, I'm forced to close this thread
  5. As nobody offers and i think less than 12 is low for me, i gonna close this topic, thanks anyways guys :)
  6. Hello, I want to sell this shiny: Start Offer: 12M Insta: 16M Open to trades or offers (Pokes + Pokedollars). Be free to contact with me via discord (Yakuzah#6765) or InGame (Yakuzah). The auction go to be 48 hours since the first offer (12m). Thanks you.
  7. Sold insta to Bajiruuu. Thanks everyone (if wanna offer more talk with him :P)
  8. Ok the insta is 6m.
  9. Hello everyone, I was looking some builds and pokemons on internet and I found a Scizor Curse Set. Look good so I go to teach curse to my scizor but... is not posible on PRO. Scizor only can learn thie move at Gen 2 with a TM. I know there are more pokes with useful moves in other gens like this set. So please, if this is possible, add the tutor for this moves.
  10. To be fair with all interested players, the min bid raise go to be 250k. 33 hours left.
  11. Hi, I start
  12. About 38 hours left
  13. You have the B.O. Thanks!!!
  14. Thanks fjabio. 48 hours start now. 23:00pm in Spain. So end the 16 of september at 23:00pm.
  15. Hello everyone! I want sell this baby: Hp Grass if you need for these Gastrodons ;) Best Offer is: 4'5m from Kreate. Min raise: 250k The auction ends the 16 September at 23.00pm from Spain. The insta price is 6m. Auction goes 48 hours from the first bid. Be free to talk to me here, on discord or in-game. In addition, I preffer the money, but im open to trades based on Pokes + Pokedollars. (Looking for a pvp pink scizor btw) Discord: Yakuzah#6765 IGN: Yakuzah.
  16. IGN: Yakuzah Discord Tag: Yakuzah#6765 Server: Silver [spoiler=Cool]
  17. How many time left? Btw I bid 1'6m
  18. Bump?
  19. Hello, want to sell this 24 hours from the first offer. Start price: 400k Insta: 750k
  20. Ok i won babe
  21. Lul, pretty ultra difficult. But very fun. Gz to the winner
  22. IGN: Yakuzah Playtime: 1400h +- PVP rating: 355 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: it is needed. Last time my sync fail on latios, i use 12 rerolls and still bad nature, this is A LOT money. So yeah, adjust the price but no more random natures is pretty OK. Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason: If you can select a new nature with nature reroll, you dont need more than 1 legendary.
  23. Ho-oH in ecruteak CITY As in Pokemon Stadium 2.
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