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About Zatash

  • Birthday 04/26/1995

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Kagawa location and other boss teams Updated <t>Got Shiny Caterpie from Bugsy boss as a normal reward, not 3 win. So I guess he has a chance to get some common shiny bugs as reward</t>
  2. Yes I did understand what you were saying. Since Staff are volunteers we cant be too demanding. They do what they can. And yes they are probably working on the staff shortage and solving IRL problems to get some time for PRO. Lets just wait and see
  3. It would be cool but dont forget they dont even have enough people to fully work on one of the tournaments, imagine two. Check some of Daeon posts here and you will read why they are doing this tournament and why there is a recording rule. Of course people o bought pokes got the short end of the stick, but for GM's this is like getting rid of half of the players for them If they were to work on another tournament give them some time between both, and im sure they plan on doing more.
  4. The teams need to be verified prior to the competition beginning. Also I will need to compile three server's worth of registrations and organise this. I can't see it happening any sooner than 20th January - as this gives me a 5 day turn-around time. I wouldn't like to leave it too much longer than that though. Ok, Thanks. I guess I will have to wait closer to 15january and think if i will have the time. As for the OT rule I totally get what you guys are trying to do and it makes sense. At least on Red server since its the oldest. I have 2000+ hours, if i wanted i could have a really good and expensive team bought from the shop(but I dont cause im poor) As for the recording both the MODs and the players have a word here. I get you guys cant be everywhere anytime, and sometimes players would "walk arround the rules" if you dont. But a lot of players still play on old PCs that really cant run or have space for the recording. My opinion here is the MODs have the priority as are they the ones who have to make things work. But working on a spectate battle ingame that way if someone isnt able to record others can should become one of your ideas for future tournaments. For now we have to work with what we get.
  5. Sadly no one answered my question :Frown:
  6. One question: After the registration limit how much time until the first fights. Im interested on participating but I have finals on January. So if the fights have to start on January i wont be able to participate. Anyway thx for the new tournament. As for the OT almost all my competitive pokes are OT so yay :Shy:
  7. About the fourth suggestion.. Its a good idea but also a bad one.As for me I like to keep it in different boxes and problably some people like to do it too. I use box1 for pokes i used on story and 2ยบ box for my shinies and 3 4 5 for my lvl 100... and I like to keep them organized in different places. I see how your suggestion is good but if the PRO team works for that, my suggestion is to add a tab system where you can have like 3 or 4 different things like: Tab1: Newly Caught(All your recent caught pokes appear here) Tab2: Favorite Pokemons(Taking suggestion 1 has example) Tab3.. 4 ..: Trade or other stuff... that we could choose. That probably would give them a lot of work, and the PC is good as it is for as long as they want to give it a great overhall There is also a lot of other things they can try out. The showing the type on the PC is cool but not necessary as when you caught a pokemon you probably know is type already. But its usefull none the less cause helps you find your poke faster cause of the different colors. The gender suggestion is something I never realized as I normally always click to check stats either way but Its a good suggestion too. This is my personal opinion on the topic and I think they should place the PC stuff on a low priority since they change it recently. Keep with the good work PRO Team :Grin:
  8. That didnt happened to me. I just made the suggestion. Thats probably a bug Tsagaro report it on the bug sections
  9. I know you guys warned not suggest about things that are being worked on. Well I just saw that post and with the new Box I have to ask for a change. The new box is awesome but for people that play on low resolutions or Window Mode(My case) the release button is to close to your party so probably there are gonna be some accidents. My suggestion is just to change positions from left side to right side. Either way great job on this change and looking forward for more :Grin: PS.: I know we can change the box position just dragging it away but the default position is bad, and sometimes we can't waste time moving it arround :Smile:
  10. Not allowed to say epic on trade chat. Punishable by Kick/Kick/Kick ....
  11. Like the title says is it? there is a ghost or a old man that gives you an advice so i'm here doing a silly question :Grin:
  12. thats kinda nonsense since you had unlimited amounts of resets in the handhelds Nope, you're wrong. Unless you do not count events, when you have only 1 try to catch poke. You can save before fighting a legendary on GBA/3DS games and just retry everytime till you have some good legendarys its just a grind like shiny is. A good way to keep it interesting is having one NPC at entry of legendary Room that takes like 200k to 1M to retry legendary battle, and you can retry it once a week or two like the bosses. So It is fair you would have to give your legendary back(if you didnt have it cause you failed to catch, it will not ask you too) with the money to the NPC, and he would ask " Would you like to reset this instance? " or "Would you like to retry this battle?". That way people who were unfortunated cause server went down and/or disconnected while battling would have another oppurtunity. The balance of the MONEY SINK would be admins responsability to figure it out.
  13. It actually worked thanks! :D
  14. PRO Username: Zatash Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Well trained my swinub till 98 then evolved to piloswine. Went to get Ancient power in goldenrod (Move Buffet) then used a rare candy to lvl him up and it didnt show screen for me to evolve. So I asked chat if I had to do anything more to evolve people said no so I just reloged and tried again and well it didnt work. So now im stuck with a lvl 100 with good stats. Is there anyway to solve it now or is it too late.
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