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Posts posted by Oldtomato

  1. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server)


    <r>1. What was your first impression when joined Chronos?<br/>

    When I first joined Chronos was Mar 23, my first impression when joined Chronos is looking for people who has the same interest and I like to have more connections with other players as a group and friends.<br/>



    2. How do you feel after joining Chronos up to today?<br/>

    Chronos brings me a lots fun when the time I joined, everyone is enjoying playing PRO like me. We all are chatting and having fun each day. But the time goes when Chronos becomes larger and larger there are more people in the guild. And, I felt like it will be awesome because we can communicate different players from around the world and learn their culture. However, Chronos became blurry to me, myself doesn't even know what is the reason that caused me to feel that way. I hope that every member in Chronos will be happy.<br/>



    3. Do you have any birthday wishes for Chronos? <br/>

    My birthday wishes for Chronos is everyone will be happy and wish all good luck in game and real life. <E>:Grin:</E></r>

  2. Tomato Daycare Apprentice Application


    What is your username?

    How many hours of play time do you have?

    What timezone are you in and where are you located?

    How many hours do you play each day?

    Do you have access to Cerulean Cave?

    Are you active on discord and the forums?

    Why are you interested in joining our daycare team?

    Do you agree to follow the rules of PRO and our rules as a daycare?

    Do you have any experience daycaring for other people?

    Do you understand EV training?

    Are you willing to learn new techniques to help increase leveling up and ev-training efficiency?

    What is your goal as apart of our daycare team?

    Provide your trainer card and pm me

  3. Completed List (๑>◡<๑)


    >Scyther Lvl 63-98 Aman21 by Oldtomato

    >Sneasel lv52-98 Aman21Aman21 by Oldtomato

    >Kadabra 252spd| 252atk|6hp| Crowtele13 by Chelsea

    >Ralts 252spd| 252atk|6hp| Crowtele13 by Chelsea

    >Growlithe lvl25-97 252hp| 252def|6hp| mehmetcan by Aymanex15

    >Togepi 252spd| 252atk|6hp| Crowtele13 by Chelsea

    >Bagon 252 atk l 252 spe l 6 hp Gonebewin by Chelsea

    >Murkrow 252 atk l 252 spe l 6 hp Gonebewin by Chelsea

    >Gligar252 atk l 252 spe l 6 hp Gonebewin by Chelsea

    >X lv15-98 Def 222|HP 252| Speed 36 Daenerys by Oldtomato

    >Machop lvl39-98 252hp| 252atk|6spd|Tiagospir by Aymanex15

    >Budew lvl8-50 SpA 252|Spe 252|SpD 6 HeydanPooer by Oldtomato

    >Cleffa lvl17-97 Def 172| 84 Spd| 252 HP Rush order Poob by Oldtomato

    >Misdreavus 252HP 80Def 176Speed Kjwu by Oldtomato

    >Xhikorita lvl 6-97 Tiagospir by Aymanex15

    >Ferroseed Hp252|Def 108| 150 Spd| Godlv by Aymanex15

    >Electabuzz Atk 252|Spe 252| Hp 6| Godlv by Aymanex15

    >Fennekin Speed 252|Spatk 252|Spdef 6 Nasulelijah by Oldtomato

    >Magikarp ATK 252|Speed 252|Spdef 6 Nasulelijah by Oldtomato

    >Growlithe ATK 252|Def 129|HP 129 Nasulelijah by Oldtomato

    >Piplup Spatk 252|HP 252|Def 6 Nasulelijah by Oldtomato

    >Lapras 252 HP l 129 SpA l 129 DEF Ovajak by Chelsea

    >Hippopotas 252 HP l 144 DEF l 112 SpE Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Chansey 252 HP l 252 DEF l 6 Spe Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Chikorita 252 HP l 252 DEF l 6 Spe Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Eevee 252 HP l 252 DEF l 6 Spe Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Eevee 252 HP l 252 DEF l 6 Spe Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Chansey lvl32-92 Nasulelijah by Oldtomato

    >Poliwag 252 Hp l 252 Def l 6 SpDTiagospir by Chelsea

    >Poliwhirll 252 SpA l 252 Hp l 6 SpE + 52k for 26 EV reduction berry berry Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Charmander 252 SpE l 252 Atk l 6 Hp Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Squirtle 252 HP l 252 Def l 6 SpD Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Pineco 252 HP l 252 Def l 6 SpD Tiagospir by Chelsea

    >Larvitar 252 Atk l 178 Hp l 80 Spa Rayquazaa by Chelsea

    >poliwhirl 51 to 97 Tiagospir by Aymanex15

    >Slowpoke 252def|252hp|6 spa Xkenneth by Oldtomato

    >Weezing lv92-97 Omrif99 by Oldtomato

    >Gyarados lv48-97 Omrif99 by Oldtomato

    >Porygon 252Spa| 252Spd|6hp 2 speed berries Jackielife by Oldtomato

    >Shellder lvl33-97 252Atk| 252spe| 6hp| Crowtele13 by Oldtomato

    >Larvesta 252Spa| 252Spe| 6Hp| Crowtele13 by Oldtomato

    >eevee 2 from 25 to 97 Tiagospir by Aymanex15

    >hippopotas from 30 to 97 Tiagospir by Aymanex15

    > Wobuffet : 252 Hp l 130 Def l 128 Sp.Def Tiagospir by Sheila

    >Shuckle : 252 Hp l 130 Def l 128 Sp.Def Tiagospir by Sheila

    > Axew : 252 Speed l 252 Atk l 6 Hp Akarishinohara by Sheila

    > Torchic : 252 Speed l 252 Atk l 6 Hp Akarishinohara by Sheila

    > Beldum : 252 Speed l 252 Atk l 6 Hp Akarishinohara by Sheila

    > Duskull : 252 Hp l 252 Atk Akarishinohara by Sheila

    > Chansey : 252 Hp l 252 Def Akarishinohara by Sheila

    > Klefki : 252 Def Iddoz by Sheila

    > Yamask : 252 Def by Sheila

    > Eevee : 252 Def by Sheila

    > Togepi Lv up 3-97 Gonebewin by Sheila

    > Starly lvl15-95spd252|atk252|hp 6 rush order by Oldtomato

    > Sawk lvl up 35-97 steinar by Aymanex15

    > Chansey lvl 30-90 252hp|252def|6spdef rush order Tammanpan Tro11z


  4. Daycare Manager



    Full service |GMT-5|




    Full Service |GMT+1|



    Daycare Staff



    Full service |GMT-8|



    Daycare Apprentice



    Full service |GMT+8|




    Full service |GMT+3|




    Only EV Training |GMT+1|




    Full service |GMT+2|




    Full service |GMT+7|




    Full service |GMT-2|




    Full service |GMT+1|




    Full service |GMT+2|



  5. General Rules


    ❁My team will do EV Training and Leveling Service daycare service.

    ❁You can contact all the staffs in the topic bottom if you have any problem.

    ❁ You can pay the daycare service when the training are done.

    ❁Notice that when your Pokemon finished training we will contact you and you will have maximum 2 weeks to pay the service or We will have the right to keep it. If you are busy or having any issues please contact us through pm or discord.

    ❁We accept Kanto, Johto and Hoenn Pokemon~

    ❁[glow=red]Rush order[/glow] mean you have to pay extra 15k for our service. And we will put your order as our top priority order not priority of time.

    ❁ Make sure your order has correct details, we won’t take any responsibility for any mistakes you made.

    Atk-Attack Def-Defense Spe-Speed Spd-Special Defense Spa-Special Attack Hp-Health

    ❁If you aren't sure about the pokemon Base EXP check this webite

    No Plagiarize our works!

    ❁If you have any question feel free to ask~


  6. Friendly reminder: search press ctrl+F






    [glow=green]Thank you for choosing us and hope you will come back again!(●′ω`●)[/glow]



    Join our

    Discord Server</COLOR><COLOR color="#8000FF">

    Faster and easier for you to request &check your order or ask any question more easily^^



    •••Price List•••

    maractus.gifEV Trainingmaractus.gif


    [Atk =25k Spe=25k Spa=25k]

    [Hp= 35k SPD=35k]


    ◮Extra 35k Cost if the pokemon has no damage move or low-level poke (Level lower than 40 will count as low level[doesn't include 40])◮

    This extra charge will cost if you only choose EV Train Service.</SPOILER>



    If you want to reset EV that will cost 2k for 10 EV


    Egg Move Service



    ❦ Each Egg Move Cost 20k ❦



    pansage.gifLeveling Uppansage.gif


    Stage 1 Pokemon Base EXP 1-95 Ex: T0GQ3vPxmrqMmwrS3uNW6dzO81mP6cnqaO25uWWToqBNqEuMpCbp3h

    Lv 1-60 = 1k per each

    Lv 61-90 = 2k per each

    Lv 91-95 = 3k per each

    Lv 96-97 = 5k per each


    Stage 2 Pokemon Base EXP 96-165 Ex:NYOHIBaDzPZGbQ6uWeEOZqSVmRhFvyeZWFVdkJB95kSOO3MmGCDf2jsdmhGgR9aVR3

    Lv 1-60 = 1k per each

    Lv 61-90 = 2.5k per each

    Lv 91-95 = 5k per each

    Lv 96-97 = 8k per each


    Stage 3 Pokemon Base EXP 165+ Ex: b2Ff05AKKiQCnM4AmxD7UwYcG42tKE8nbuZvep2rEYXyqaWtiFeGmTUmhfsBS1brmg

    Lv 1-60 =2k per each

    Lv 61-90 = 3k per each

    Lv 91-95 = 7k per each

    Lv 96-97 = 12k per each

    Special case Poke:

    Example: Dmg EeveesLW3JP or TogepiH9pai5 Stage 1 Tank EeveesLW3JP or TogepiH9pai5 stage 2

    Pokemons such as FeebasFhdACv HippopotasFDktO0BaltoyHAKWYvBronzorZxYAeyBonsly5VkVYx FerroseedtMH1UtPinecovbABPx and so on will move to Stage 2

    Pokemon like Shuckle9Kt4VX

    SmearglemfPjsW UnownRJoavnWobbuffetlbUqgV will charge 200k level up to 97

    WynautcQ9PpW Will cost 230k level up to 97

    No acceptable pokemon: Happiny 9Q0QFIDittovbABPx


    For Chronos members have 10% discounts for Full service only



    Application for EV Training Service



    EV train: --- 252|--- 252|--- 6

    Move keep:

    Egg Move:

    Rush order: [ Yes or No ]


    shaymin.gifFor Leveling Serviceshaymin.gif


    Current Level:

    Final Level:

    Evolve at level:

    Move keep:

    Egg Move:

    Rush order: [ Yes or No ]



    gallade.gifCurrent Traininggallade.gif

    Might be outdated in forum, but we will always updated in our discord

  7. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server)


    <r><QUOTE author="PrincessSerina"><s>

    </s><POST content="290621"><s></s>290621<e></e></POST> <CENTER><s>




    <COLOR color="#8000FF"><s></s>Hey there,<br/>

    we are happy you applied for Chronos, your hours are a bit low for the requirement but you seem like a nice person. We will be happy to invite you to join our guild after you meet up all the requirement. Good luck and have fun. <E>:Grin:</E> <e></e></COLOR></r>

  8. Search Press ctrl+F

    This guide will show how to use forum tools and some useful tips.



    385.png[glow=Green]Forum Title Description[/glow]385.png





    025.png[glow=Green]Background Color[/glow]025.png





    151.png[glow=Green]Forum Rules[/glow]151.png




    251.png[glow=Green]Switch Forum Tool[/glow]251.png




    363.png[glow=Green]Switch Forum Tool(II)[/glow]363.png





    255.png[glow=Green]Return Top Post Tool[/glow]255.png





    060.png[glow=Green]Player Contact Tool[/glow]060.png



    Will update more in the future if I found out any else useful tips or tools.


    Feel free to ask anything question or share any new tips :y:


    Hope Everyone will enjoy it~

  9. Re: ✿Tomato Day Caring✿ (Recruiting New Staff)


    <t>This topic will no longer be updated due to the graphic issue. Also, the shop topic will be under constructing for apprentice recruitment, topic organization, and more. However, anyone who needs daycare can still request any available staff in discord server. I will be posting a new topic for the future shop. If anyone have any question or want to join our team feel free to pm me. :)</t>

  10. Re: ✿Tomato Day Caring✿ (Recruiting New Staff)


    <r><QUOTE author="Vreinzel"><s>

    </s><POST content="281536"><s></s>281536<e></e></POST> i would like to use ur daycare service. are u open ?<e>

    <QUOTE author="Shabrina"><s>

    </s><POST content="281308"><s></s>281308<e></e></POST> open daycare sir?<e>

    I might be available after this week, you can join my discord server to ask other available staff for now.</r>

  11. Hi Everyone!


    This is guide will help you to get the tiny mushroom and how to douse it.

    I have found 8/8 tiny mushroom locations. If you find more location feel free to reply me. :)




    -Able to access Hoenn

    -Have Parasect or Paras(Recommend)

    46.png 47.png




    Petalburg Woods







    Quick Explanation

    At first you will need to find a tiny mush location (see the picture below)


    After you get the tiny mushrooms, it will ask you to use Paras or Parasect to douse the mushrooms.


    When you choose to use Paras or Parasect to douse the mushrooms, it will regrow more next time.


    As a suggestion always bring a Paras or Parasect when you are getting the tiny mushrooms,

    you won't have another chance to douse the mushrooms once you take it.



    If you have any question or feedback welcome to reply me. ;3

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