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Everything posted by Chichiman

  1. Wts shiny torkoal Only instant:5m
  2. Name : chichiman I love shiny lapras cause of its colour and beauty
  3. Why he dont announced the result qho is winner
  4. Wts shiny torkoal only 3-4 in server Starting price :3m IInstant price: .....
  5. Omg thats too much replies XD
  6. IGN: chichiman God bless you
  7. Welcome to pro brother have fun here and enjoy
  8. Yo he is back lets party :)
  9. Farewell bro, good bye buddy
  10. You to go in buy section of pokemon
  11. Sir there is a connection problem in servers and staff members fixing this. So may after some time the servers are up!
  12. Staff i have a new idea about personal messages that is you u have to add double tick and blue tick like as in whatsapp that seems good and people know that the message is to be seen
  13. Yup thats a good idea may be staff should work on it and i think they have to add greninja mount
  14. WTS garchomp ha 23+ivs STARTING: 3M INSTANT: 6M Fake offer be reported Min bid 100k No time limit the auction will close at instant
  15. Come online in pro
  16. 2.55m i won
  17. U said the auction end in 7hours and 7hours not done right now
  18. Ok let me see who one offers on the first one
  19. Its too much expensive gl for ur auction
  20. The auction end at which time
  21. 2m from me
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