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Everything posted by Gabbi

  1. shiny probopass still have..?can me buy it?
  2. how to contact you sir...my discord XbagakX#7373
  3. can me buy shiny jumpluff..?
  4. hello..can me buy shiny hoppip?
  5. hello..s misdrevus can be lower price if i want to buy it?
  6. What's your IGN? Gabbi How many hours do you have in PRO? 2456hr 40min How far are you in story? Completed all region How active are you in PRO? Everday Are you a PvP or PvE player? PvP going to start but need advice Have you ever been banned in game and why? Nope Why do you want to join Calamity guild? To make new friend and looking for new guild. My Discord ID: XbagakX
  7. What's your IGN? : Jenterabising Please post a picture of your trainer card! What is your discord ID? : JenteraBising#7373 How far are you in story? : All Region Complete How active are you in PRO? : (1791 Hours) Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? : Enjoy Both Have you ever been banned in game and why? : Nope Why do you want to join Calamity guild? : i"m Looking for friendly guild member and sporting for sure ;)
  8. Me cannot buy coin
  9. Area themed Pokemon [*] We can't help you with a Pokemon that evolve by earning a level in a specific area. If you missed to evolve a level 100 Magneton, then you will need to submit a delevel request. [spoiler=Concerned Pokemon] Pokemon that evolve by having a specific move [*] You don't require our support if you missed to evolve a Pokemon that should normally evolve by having a specific move. For example if you have a level 100 Yanma that usually evolve by knowing Ancient Power, then just go through a wild battle and defeat the Pokemon. Your Yanma will still evolve even if stuck at level 100. It works for all Pokemon that are concerned by this evolution process. [spoiler=Concerned Pokemon] Make a Pokemon back to a previous state [*] It's impossible and we do not offer this kind of support. However we can now "delevel" your Pokemon if needed. hi me jenterabising from gold serve.i need delevel my slowbro to slowpoke.please help me..
  10. how long is this man..
  11. Any update for Pro..?? cannot log in Gold Server
  12. sa me with me bruh...
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