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About Rohitdalvi

  • Birthday 11/11/2001

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Rohitdalvi's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Wtb 3 cc
  2. Thanks for the help now i got the cc back :)
  3. I just exchanged my jet ski with cc after afyer some ev training i cannot see the coin capsule instead i can see a mini ms which was not in my bag is this a bug? pls i want the ccback in my bag and not the mini ms
  4. Yes please do it for me
  5. i lost my choice band..idk how i searched whole items list and checked if any pokemon is holding it but no its not anywhere pls help ;-;
  6. I have a suggestion that you should add a name change only 1 in lifetime for one account this would very helpful to many players it could also cost 300k or cc...staff can decide the price pls look on to my suggestion hope ya all like it
  7. hello players i wtb a nice decent goomy with abi Sap sipper and nature must be modest :)
  8. i did whole quest got all gems and he told claim rewards but the old man not giving me rewards...
  9. hello PRO when i was playing my movement buttons are getting typed in the chats.... can you help me i have attached the ss
  10. Hello people i m RohitDalvi i m guildless i want to join a guild i m decent at pvping and i play atleast 2 hours a day here is my trainer card
  11. What's your Name/IGN?Rohit/RohitDalvi ● Are you active in Discord?Yes My tag TaserBone#8778 ● Where are you from?India ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 777+ hours everyday minimum 30min ● What's your goal in PRO? To become best in PVP and catch every pokemon with my ot(epic ones) ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? The team spirit and all awesome pvpers need to learn many things ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Umbreon is my most beloved its so cute and it soo strong ● What's your favorite animal and why? Cheetah is my favorite animal as its the fastest and looks cool
  12. My marill is lv 100 and cannot be leveled up ...all becoz of my brother..he didnt gave him happiness required and it was a azurill but i did it marill can you help me evolve it in to azumarill. Ign RohitDalvi Server silver Time Gmt 4-6am and 8-11
  13. Thanks for the info!!
  14. Why the servers are being merged ...how it is useful?.. idk
  15. I wanted to change my nickname as i previously asked but that time the name changing service was not available but its here now so i need a nickname change
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