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  1. Re: I accidentally release my pokemon <r><QUOTE author="marciorx" post_id="403219" time="1498615714" user_id="28510"><s> </e></QUOTE> any gm here?????</r>
  2. I accidentally release my pokemon <r>I accidentally released my parasect, I always use it for false sweep and spore, could you restore it to me?<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/brwSjiE.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  3. 'he doesn't have time' is always the same history, but he has time to update the shop to gain money $
  4. well, i don't need pvp coins to get these items, right guys? it will be like original room, right? We will get these items on wild pokemons, right? i hope so
  5. yep, if i've created a thread to dicuss about ms's price, saying that i don't have money in game for this, i'll go to trade chat to buy a good one MS poke (without money) that i could hunt,( Genius), once GMs ever said that we could get every poke without ms, But I think at this time you had not even met the game yet.
  6. so, the answer about hippodown and drilburr is to do dig each 2 days, is it? In a place with 4/5 dig spots and if i want a h.a gothita? how many weeks i need to wait?
  7. there shouldn't have exclusive ms pokes in my opinion.
  8. i've played this game since august 2015 and i remember that GMS ever said that we can get any pokemon in this game whitout MS, but... what happened now? MS now is 1m and i don't have a international credit card and $5 in my country is a little expensive to me, so, how can i catch: - Gothita - Hippopotas - Drilburr - Galvantula - Ferroseed - Klefki once you have pokemon only for who pay, it's a pay2win in my opinion.... ms is a "donate", but it's a "forced donate".
  9. yep, a new area is coming, that's cool, but the last update realised was hoenn in june, 6 months for a new area/new pokemons. i know it's a 4fun game but six months make the game very boring
  10. - very slow updates - shane ever away - a lot of bugs - a lot of abilities and moves doesn't working... - a lot of bots - a lot of promises - Missed dates - The economy is devastated and none official pronunciation about this.. - a lot of corruption.. when we have an update it's only a 'cash update'...
  11. most bosses will be, only jessie/james wont as far as plans go. currently updated bosses are in the original post. A few days ago i saw a boss called mestrepokemon at lavander town, this boss will me coded?
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