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Everything posted by Marciorx

  1. Re: I accidentally release my pokemon <r><QUOTE author="marciorx" post_id="403219" time="1498615714" user_id="28510"><s> </e></QUOTE> any gm here?????</r>
  2. I accidentally release my pokemon <r>I accidentally released my parasect, I always use it for false sweep and spore, could you restore it to me?<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/brwSjiE.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  3. 'he doesn't have time' is always the same history, but he has time to update the shop to gain money $
  4. well, i don't need pvp coins to get these items, right guys? it will be like original room, right? We will get these items on wild pokemons, right? i hope so
  5. yep, if i've created a thread to dicuss about ms's price, saying that i don't have money in game for this, i'll go to trade chat to buy a good one MS poke (without money) that i could hunt,( Genius), once GMs ever said that we could get every poke without ms, But I think at this time you had not even met the game yet.
  6. so, the answer about hippodown and drilburr is to do dig each 2 days, is it? In a place with 4/5 dig spots and if i want a h.a gothita? how many weeks i need to wait?
  7. there shouldn't have exclusive ms pokes in my opinion.
  8. i've played this game since august 2015 and i remember that GMS ever said that we can get any pokemon in this game whitout MS, but... what happened now? MS now is 1m and i don't have a international credit card and $5 in my country is a little expensive to me, so, how can i catch: - Gothita - Hippopotas - Drilburr - Galvantula - Ferroseed - Klefki once you have pokemon only for who pay, it's a pay2win in my opinion.... ms is a "donate", but it's a "forced donate".
  9. yep, a new area is coming, that's cool, but the last update realised was hoenn in june, 6 months for a new area/new pokemons. i know it's a 4fun game but six months make the game very boring
  10. - very slow updates - shane ever away - a lot of bugs - a lot of abilities and moves doesn't working... - a lot of bots - a lot of promises - Missed dates - The economy is devastated and none official pronunciation about this.. - a lot of corruption.. when we have an update it's only a 'cash update'...
  11. most bosses will be, only jessie/james wont as far as plans go. currently updated bosses are in the original post. A few days ago i saw a boss called mestrepokemon at lavander town, this boss will me coded?
  12. 190k for karp
  13. hi, i would like to know if the choice items, life orb, assault vest, toxic orb... will come when hoenn come. ty!
  14. I have same problem but with other pokemon, some tms and ability need to be added, suck as sludge bomb ( my gengar need :D: ). Thx.
  15. I also bought for cash from Brazil , and I think unfair of the Administration not replace lost days of membership .
  16. Could be an exchange for score , every time you win the league earn some points.
  17. Try leveling with switch support, use other pokemons for help him.
  18. Ok, really thx and nice game.
  19. Hi everyone, my account in forum has a problem, i cant see many topics, anyone can help me ??
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