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  1. sorry it ended, @Warry33is the winner
  2. c.o 800k
  3. bump less than 2 hrs left^^
  4. S.O - 100k Min bid 50k Duration - 48 hours after start Accept cc - 420k, iv reroll - 500k and $
  5. trade done, can be closed thanks!
  6. no bro 15mins already over since last bid
  7. c.o 1.5m by Iprime
  8. Start : 1m Min bid : 100k Insta : n/a Time : 24hrs after start Accept : cash, cc - 420k , iv r - 500k If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minute
  9. 350k
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