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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. Re: Epic H.A Crawdaunt <r><EMOJI seq="1f614"></EMOJI> i wish i could bid for that</r>
  2. Re: Dec. 4th Shopping Center <t>small update</t>
  3. bump... highly believe it will benefit PRO
  4. bump.... hopes still alive
  5. I start it 300k
  6. i need lvl up servies got various pokes plz private message me trustworthy players only
  7. Im Paying Dah Gud Gucci Cash for them Pokes Bruh Looking for this Pokemons with better defensive ivs as preference, but also looking for better damaging ivs and speed •I seek its evolutions too Natures I seek the following... Blissey> I preffer Calm/Careful but Sassy ok Quagsire> I preffer Relaxed, but bold ok Goodra> I preffer a Sassy, But Calm & Careful ok Ditto>I preffer 31 HP ivs, but 27+ HP ivs ok, MUST be hidden power Fire, i dont care for other ivs but HP Alomomola>I Preffer Relaxed, But Bold ok Skarmory>I preffer Impish, but Relaxed & Bold ok Florges>I preffer Calm, but Sassy ok What I have but seek better
  8. Re: Dec. 1st Shopping Center <t>small update</t>
  9. Re: Nov.27 Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="Omeliandre" post_id="473278" time="1511901581" user_id="1903848"><s> </e></QUOTE> all urs ty</r>
  10. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="RosinanteDxt" post_id="472203" time="1511688677" user_id="471728"><s> </e></QUOTE> all urs</r>
  11. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="Pikpachu" post_id="472626" time="1511768904" user_id="892875"><s> </e></QUOTE> all urs</r>
  12. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="lavida" post_id="472039" time="1511644582" user_id="150389"><s> </e></QUOTE> all urs</r>
  13. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="Komata" post_id="472030" time="1511642514" user_id="1619023"><s> </e></QUOTE> todo tullo compa</r>
  14. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <r><QUOTE author="Pikpachu" post_id="472834" time="1511809546" user_id="892875"><s> </e></QUOTE> ya I soon as I get on, sorry is due to the holidays that I am very inactive now days<br/> <br/> will get on soon</r>
  15. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <t>greetings, came back on =D<br/> <br/> was offline for like 3 days due to holidays</t>
  16. can u post a picture? =0 why would u ask a price check with out a showing a picture.... or at least information about them
  17. Re: Nov.23 Public Shopping Center <t>updated</t>
  18. I been looking for u for the hp ground one, u have not been on =0. which btw I offer u the Insta first
  19. YEAH =D because is much better when selling a Pokemon and only 350~ players online could see it, and now you can sell a Pokemon and 800+ players online can see it and if there is 1000 players who caught a chansey, and lets say 100 got decent nature and ivs, but 10 got super epic ivs, there will be plenty players who desire the best pokemons possible for their pvp teams, the demand for very epics and epics will be even higher making the seller of such pokemons be less likely to sell for lower prices when other players can very possibly offer more sooner or later
  20. totally agree! I don't think it will be raised because of numbers of players, but because there are more and more very good PKM ;) i think she/he meant is that more players = more demands = raise on prices due to high demand
  21. i believe there was a 10 minute warning for this action
  22. ty mate hopefully the tips could have help u out
  23. totally agree!
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