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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. what a awesome dragon bro :D
  2. yay there is hope to see it soon :)
  3. Re: continuing to beg <t>Bumping</t>
  4. Looks awesome! i would love to have it viva Ludicolo!
  5. +1 agreed
  6. Re: continuing to beg <r><QUOTE author="shisirbasnet" post_id="490366" time="1515084456" user_id="1444389"><s> </e></QUOTE> because transform and imposter are not yet coded... obviously</r>
  7. Re: continuing to beg <r><QUOTE author="GrandWarden" post_id="490355" time="1515082966" user_id="1551936"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unaware is banned forever from PvP I guess. Ditto is useless in PvP to be honest <EMOJI seq="1f602"></EMOJI> <e> </e></QUOTE> nah xD <br/> <br/> to me ditto is an important and must have poke<br/> <br/> is just like everyone have their own likes on what to use pvp<br/> <br/> for me, is ditto, and an unaware poke, and HEY on a game where subtitude is not coded yet <EMOJI seq="1f606"></EMOJI> thats just makes him a bonus for me to have<br/> <br/> and another bonus, theres no team Preview atm in PRO, making it even more scary<br/> <br/> therefor i continue to bump for PRO to have fixing unaware and to code imposter ditto</r>
  8. bumping
  9. [MEDIA=imgur2]aXn3hEP[/MEDIA] allow us to be able to use the mighty imposter ditto on pvp. now I have High hopes of seing it coded thanks to Wally thx for reading I sure wish to see the day when its finally coded
  10. Parasyte too epic anime, with only 24 episodes. u will wish for more episodes..... well the same goes for HxH
  11. Hunter x Hunter bruh
  12. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Jan, 3 <t>updated</t>
  13. I agree this is partly the reason I play this game on and off so much because its so hard to sell in chat or find the gem your looking for yeah bro, and when you do put the effort to sell in game, and finally find a customer, and then lose it for that reason of regions, it sure upsets all sellers, hopefully the mods can implement this suggestion
  14. there are good changes to have it implemented =) thx for ur support
  15. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Dec, 30 <r><QUOTE author="Cnnblt" post_id="489724" time="1514960771" user_id="1369765"><s> </e></QUOTE> I do have 2 yellow players who verbally promised to pay for some pokes with yellow cash once merged, so I have does pokes saved up<br/> therefor yes =) I have u in discord hit me up</r>
  16. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Dec, 30 <r><QUOTE author="Issei11" post_id="489630" time="1514939452" user_id="786018"><s> </e></QUOTE> one of us will try to meet with u</r>
  17. thx for ur support
  18. Re: LOOKING FOR... <t>bumping</t>
  19. according to PRO, the servers wont take a global market... very sadly.... action house ? sounds nice if that is doable doesnt need to be global :x they cant have any of that...according to them, their servers wont support it... whay cnnblt said is 100% true, a market will fix everything... it will make the gaming experiance so great, and i say that out of experiance, as i played in Pokemon Planet Online for years, and there is soo easy to sell there thanks to the Global Market, but here we cant enjoy from it as PRO servers sadly wont support it. but im not requesting to have something that been rejected many times before, im requesting to make selling less difficult than what already is by simply editing some small rules that can benefit both Players and meeting the requierments of PRO, that way it will be better for all of us I highly believe so
  20. yes but how much cost a fast surf mount ? 100 coins. what do you get ? pro: - you surf way faster then regular. - you have a mount with different colors and not that default skin. - you can farm way better on water. any shiny mount that costs also 100 coins. pro: - customization so both cost 100 coins but you get way more value with fast surf mount. Why should you buy a mount instead of fast surf ?? and why do they cost both 100 coins when fast surf is so much better ? it lowers the value of an mount if both have the same price but 1 of them is way worse then the other. what does that mean ? Mounts will drop on pokedollar value and free to play ppl doesnt have to buy a mount over a fast surf, pick axe, tree axe, bms or ms. That means ppl dont have the priority to buy a mount at all only a few of them would buy one because of customization and pay to play players wouldnt buy a mount from trade chat because they are more worth to buy them with coins instead of 400k like fast surf. you realize that doesnt mean because of that the whole trade chat is broken right? But thats atleast one way to fix the mount problem and a good way to fix trade chat a bit more then it is right now. way to fix it ? increase the speed of shiny mounts a bit give them more value to bring them back into the game. both cost 100, 1 is for decoration, the other is for a faster traveling, the fast surf which is a better one, habw the description of what it is.... a fast surf, its the players fault for selecting a decoration mount, not the game ppl will pay more for fast surf, even tho they both cost the same in coins making the decoration mounts cost less coins would be great to have, as it worth less than a fast surf, but does not take away the fact that is the players fault for buying it than the PRO game for having it as same value, it clearly have a description
  21. thats just the new players/player fault for buying it in the first place, it clearly saids "fast surf" nothing to do with the trade being broken
  22. selling bad pokes does not means is RIP economy, they just trying to get some cash by selling almost anything to have a better income, and ofcurse the great ones will be at a very high price, considering how rare and difficult it is to get them, or have the huge sheer luck to get 1 i do agree, would be nice to get more new pokes
  23. +1 great idea
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