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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. will add! after a long long time of inactive, i will continue to add them all :)
  2. i need aid with my gliglar lvl100 needs to be in night time :( also my lvl100 magneton
  3. that sucks :/
  4. Mexicannoob

    spin rocks

    its normal bro, since ur donphan died it failed to remove the hazards
  5. Re: wts epic chancey <r><QUOTE author="Flint1" post_id="492916" time="1515454976" user_id="1737796"><s> </e></QUOTE> save it for me bro <EMOJI seq="1f60a"></EMOJI><br/> <br/> that baby is mine once we merge</r>
  6. i start it is there an ending time or an instant buy?
  7. Re: Trading improvements <r><QUOTE author="Wuuduu" post_id="492871" time="1515447710" user_id="19328"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> "Auction house or Market place<br/> A platform for easier buying and selling of pokemon was planned, unfortunately the server will never be stable enough to support the feature without constant risk of pokemon, items and money being lost, which means it's not a viable addition and regretfully can't be added to PRO"<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35832"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35832">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35832</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> please read that before making a suggestion</r>
  8. well is me who offer 4m as start for that beauty
  9. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Jan, 6 <r><QUOTE author="AuroraSoul" post_id="492781" time="1515437065" user_id="1965687"><s> </e></QUOTE> yeah pm u :)</r>
  10. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Jan, 6 <r><QUOTE author="MikkelX" post_id="492789" time="1515437463" user_id="284648"><s> </e></QUOTE> will look for u in game</r>
  11. is there an ending time darling?
  12. can not in guild players participate? (just 4 fun)
  13. nice idea +1 also saves on Revives
  14. awesome post... plz add imposter ditto too ... btw wish for the blissey family is not possible (i forgot exactly why, but it was an event only from a company in New York)
  15. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Jan, 6 <r><QUOTE author="ONIone" post_id="492511" time="1515392475" user_id="8781"><s> </e></QUOTE> okie dokie bro<br/> <br/> we shall look for u in game</r>
  16. great video post more :)
  17. true, but you still have the risk to be scammed or have players being uncomfortable doing this, and will ask to do 5 RC per trade ... like the Forum Title saids... for a better trade, it would be better to have this kind of trading systeam, is more practical no you cant get scammed if you screen everything he gets banned and a mod gives your stuff back. not correct, you do got scammed, but you have the proof to report, thats true, however having that kind of trade system that i Suggested will remove all possibilites of a scam, and will have the players be comfortable making big ammount of items trades at a faster time, like i said, they are players who refused to trade multiple items by mail, and rather do it by 5 pieces at a time because they feel more secure that way, keeping that in mind... u do lose does stolen items when u get scammed Bruh, the staff just punish/Ban the player, but bye bye my stuff ;) now the Mail trading cant prevent that huh?
  18. ummm.... having a limited time donation bonus (10%) will hurt the market? Please explain
  19. Re: "Trading!" <t>i agree 100% with you guys! <br/> <br/> there are better things to add/fix <br/> <br/> cough* cough* unaware quagsire/clefable cough* cough*<br/> <br/> but hey! is a lovely little idea, and it can be easy to be implented<br/> <br/> support if u guys agree to have this simple small "improvement" :)<br/> <br/> other ideas are harder and takes time to be added/fixed</t>
  20. Re: "Trading!" <r><QUOTE author="BashFick" post_id="492320" time="1515362361" user_id="574393"><s> </e></QUOTE> answer me why is there a battle! and a zzz? ;) <br/> <br/> why not a "trade!"</r>
  21. true, but you still have the risk to be scammed or have players being uncomfortable doing this, and will ask to do 5 RC per trade ... like the Forum Title saids... for a better trade, it would be better to have this kind of trading systeam, is more practical
  22. Please add the feature that says "Trading!" when you are performing a trade with a player it would like very interesting if we have does letters coming up just like its already interesting to have "Battle!" when you are doing a battle, or the "Zzzzz" when you are AFK let us have the same for a trade if possible (NOTE: It obviously is a low Priority Suggestion, im sure u know that by now Staff, but does not means it can have the possibility to be considered for the future, once other high priority ones gets coded/fixed, this is just something that can make the game more interested by just a tiny tiny tiny bit)
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