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Everything posted by Xaiyah

  1. I know we didn't talk for a while..but you were like one of the nicest people and people I could trust here at the start of RUK already and you were a person that I always admired. Hope everything goes well for you and you'll be happy at it is. Thanks for the time here and your energy you put in this project and also into your friends! ~Setz
  2. Hey there [mention]wanderxxt[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. The SS Anne ticket is actually not a physical visible item. It's a variable that gives you access to SS Anne after you finished the quest to unlock it. Can you try to talk to the Security Guards and tell me if they let you enter SS Anne? I hope I could help you out! If you have more questions, feel free to ask! :Grin:
  3. Hey there [mention]HiImSeth[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. To use the 24 hour Safari pass you need 50,000 pokedollar and you need to be Kanto champion. The same counts for Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh region. You need to be champion in the region, you want use the 24 hour safari pass. I hope I could help you out, if you have more questions feel free to ask! :)
  4. Hey [mention]netotk[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. As you can read here: I apologize again for your loss. Since this is answered, I'm going to lock it. I wish you a great week! :Heart: [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  5. Glad I could help you out! Happy new year :3 :Heart: [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  6. Hey there [mention]OverlyFatHippo[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. There is a way to re-teach your Clefable Cosmic Power. If you finished the daycare quest to access Egg moves you can have access to the Kanto Daycare PRO Move Tutor. This NPC allows you to re-learn Pre-Evolution moves basically! You can find the tutor behind the counter where the old couple is. I hope this answers your question! If you have more questions, feel free to ask! :)
  7. Glad I could help you out! Since this is answered I'm going to lock it. Have a great week and a happy new year! :Crazy: [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  8. Hey [mention]eemma[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. You can actually find Signal Beam in National Park. You need to go through a little entrance between the fence north in National park, then go right to access the Signal Beam Tutor. I hope I could help you out! If you have more questions feel free to ask! :)
  9. Hey [mention]HZITZ [/mention], you can always get a new one of the trash can, if you don't have one in your back for the quest! Can you try to talk to the trash can again and see if it gives you a new Pecha berry to complete your quest? :)
  10. Hey there [mention]HZITZ[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. Did you also obtain the free Pecha berry in the kitchen of the SS Anne? If you don't have a Pecha Berry in your inventory, you can obtain one of the trash can in the kitchen there. I link you our Kanto Walkthrough for future assistance if you stuck in Kanto story again! I hope I could help you out! If you have more questions feel free to ask! :Shy:
  11. Hey there [mention]Euronimous[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about crash issues. As you can read here: This being said, I'm going to lock this topic. Sorry for your loss again. I wish you a great week! :)
  12. Resolved ingame, enjoy! :)
  13. Glad I could solve your issue! :) Have a great weekend! [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  14. Glad I could help you out! :) Since this is answered, I'm going to lock it. I wish you a great week! [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  15. Hey there [mention]eemma[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. You need Waterfall now to access Suicune in Tohjo Falls. You can read more about every single legendary in PRO in our Legendary Megathread. I linked you the specific part for Celebi and the legendary dogs if you have more questions how to solve the quest. I hope I could help you out, if you have more questions feel free to ask! :)
  16. Hey there, in order to help you we need: So we know when exactly we need to contact you or find you ingame! :)
  17. Hey there [mention]DarkMaster2018[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience and late response. I checked your issue and you indeed lost your Mount that got mailed of your friend due to the server crash/rollback. Can you check your mail to confirm, that you got a new mail with your mount in it? :)
  18. Hey there [mention]muti[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. The bike quest got changed. You talk to the NPC Samuel in the house next to Vermilion Pokecenter. He asks you to find a friend for his Ditto, means you need to catch a Ditto of your own OT to present it to Samuel. The closest routes where you can find Ditto is Route 8(recommended) and Route 13/14. After you gifted Samuel your Ditto, Samuel will give you a Bike Voucher. Now you head to the bike shop owner in cerulan city and pay 60k for your bike! I hope I could help you out. If you have more questions, feel free to ask! :)
  19. Hey [mention]cphill1412[/mention], you don't need anything from Kanto to continue your way from Goldenrod City. You can find the squirtbottle, like PurpleMauth told you, in the Flower Shop next to the goldenrod gym. Just talk to this NPC after you defeat the 3rd gym leader. Now you can use the squirtbottle to make the Sudowoodo battle you and continue your path to Ecruteak city! :) Hope this solves your issue, if you need more help or have more questions feel free to ask.
  20. Hey there [mention]cphill1412[/mention], sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. You need to beat the Sprout Tower first to fight the first gym leader in Johto. You can find the Sprout Tower north of Violet City. Also after you beat the gym leader you need to go south in Violet city, through route 32 till you reach Union Cave. Azalea town gym is your next aim for the 2nd badge! You can read everything in our Johto Walkthrough Guide for assitance through the Johto Story. Images are getting readded soon! :) I hope I could help you out. If you have more questions, feel free to ask! I wish you a great day :Grin:
  21. Hey there [mention]Vernonek[/mention], Seems like [mention]Artoriel[/mention] contacted you ingame already and your issue is solved. I wish you a great week and enjoy Sinnoh! :) [glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]
  22. Welcome to PRO Redstorm77 ! :) I hope you enjoy your stay
  23. Resolved ingame, enjoy! :)
  24. Welcome 0ptimus! :)
  25. Welcome to PRO! :) I hope you enjoy your stay c:
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