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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1.   Hello,


      Very cool idea there for few reasons :


    - Some people like having themed balls with their pokemon.

        . To match the colors.

        . For the style.

        . To show some appreciation for the teams such as team rocket / aqua (if the idea goes through).


      As for how we'll possibly drop / get them i'll suggest a few things.


    If you want them to be rare cosmetics :

    - On bosses as a tier 3 reward (5-10 balls dropped).

    - don't put them in the coin shop so people will be forced to spend the game money. ( We obviously know inflation is still there even after the staff auction of 2021).

    - Maybe on digging spots, but i think they already give access to a large amount of items.


    If you want them to be common cosmetics :

    - a box of a team for 25 coins with 15 pokeballs in each box. A cc is basically 400k in non event time. so if you do the maths : 25 coins = 75k / 15 = 5k per pokeballs.






  2. Hello,


    Quick Suggestion. Recently, The Max Repel Reseller Bonny was added to every department store.


    But, it seems that the poke ball Reseller can only be found in Celadon Mart.


    How about adding this poke ball Reseller to the 3 other department store ?


    I think it's very easy to add and this would benefit the community by not doing unwanted trips.








  3. Hello,


    Issue : Stressful hunting spot with no blocked lines. Would be cool if some grass could be added.




    Location : 1st sevii island then south.





    Thank you for reporting it. Unfortunately, it can not be changed, as there are already enough grasses to hunt, and changing stuff for such convenience will involve revamping hundreds of maps. So, I hope you understand. 
    - Rimuro


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