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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. Hello,


    I've defeated 2 consecutive times Horon.


    When i win vs Alucard, this happens ( see Video).


    I really need to go there to get access to the Cubone I skipped last year for the GENGARITE QUEST. Otherwise can't do the Hard mode without Marowak.


    Ty for your time.






  2. Hey, I found a bug with the evolve pop up going crazy when you relog and it shouldn't do that with the new update.


    The 1st video shows how i encountered the bug.



    The 2nd one shows the evolve pop up going crazy after i ran away from a random battle. It did it at least 10 times in a row and i think it's linked to the amount of lvls i had gained between 71 and 83.






  3. +1, but i'm afraid this will get denied like before without an answer + locked. Hope this will be the contrary this time.

    For the lvl up animation you can still relog to avoid it but damn this is annoying if done multiple times :PiplupCry:. Just need a revert imo, the easiest way.


    +, you can't skip abilities in battles such as Trace / Intimidate anymore, which i find very disturbing for unnecessary time loss, especially in PvE.


    I feel like the animations from the old client were smoother.

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