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About Naranjita

  • Birthday 07/03/1997

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Username: E1000iano Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Argentina GMT -3
  2. +1
  3. start bid 300k increase from 100k - i accept cc
  4. Why do you want to join NoMercy? I am an active player of PvP and I would like to learn more about pvp and meet more good players and have fun in the guild [*]Have you ever been banned from PRO, if so why? No [*]Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? have fun and learn pvp [*]How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? 20 and spanish [*]Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card.
  5. tercera vez que ponen mantenimiento y me dan por perdido
  6. i was playing pvp and they threw the server for maintenance, and they took the points and we were tied are a fraud getting worse. luckily I record the battles and I take capture of the recording so that they see because they gave me lost.
  7. yes bro i accept cc
  8. Start auction 800k .... insta 3m https://prntscr.com/hwx5q7 +100k minimum increase - the auction lasts 3 days (24h remaining) Current bid: @herrieisbeest 1m (SOLDED INSTA PRICE ) FOR HERRIEISBEEST https://prntscr.com/hxul5f
  9. -Why do you want to join NoMercy? +I am an active player of PvP and I would like to learn more about pvp and meet more good players and have fun in the guild, understanding well the gameplay ev's, iv's, natus, etc. And I also really like helping everyone. -How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? I am 20 years old and I speak Spanish and English.
  10. Naranjita - blue server answer 1 : 4 bones answer 2: gray / black answer 3: light blue
  11. Now you can sleep 2 pokemons in battle and you will not be penalized brother takes advantage
  12. Che que hay que hacer para que lean mis report?? Tengo que donar o algo así?
  13. Yes bro addme poke
  14. Auction canceled
  15. I sell my tyra guys: ((( STARTING BID 500K - INSTA 1M c.o ProfEntix 200c + 100k Solded.
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