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About Psylo

  • Birthday 08/19/1995

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. It is not a bug. The porygon-giver has been reworked to give a Silver disc item as a pokemon-generating item that works like fossils instead of just giving porygon. You also have to wait from 2 to 6 hours after he gave you that Silver disc and then talk to him again and he will give you porygon.
  2. Are you sure that your foe didn't pass a speed boost by using the move baton pass? Because mew is sometimes used as a baton passer in pvp.
  3. This is a map issue. It also happens in Trainers Valley pc. Try to contact a staff member in the IRC or in Discord if you can't find any in game, they should be able to help you .
  4. Unfortunately you can't have a 2nd chance to get it :D: . Crashes are expected to happen since the game is in BETA and this is why it is higlhy advised to do the mew quest only if servers are stable.
  5. Try to log out and reopen the client. If it doesn't work try to contact a staff member, he should be able to teleport you.
  6. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [unknown Place - Rufflet | Trainer Valley - Pansear, Pansage, Panpour !!!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> The cool down time is 6hrs only in Trainer Valley (but not include unknown place) <E>:Light:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> wow very good XD <E>:thanks:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> The cooldown is 6h in both Trainers Valley and unknown place actually.</r>
  7. Synchronize doesn't work if your sync poke is dead, even if It is in the first slot so I guess It's the same with compound eyes.
  8. Indeed you'll need your poke to be around lvl 80-85 for kanto's e4. However, some pokemons like gengar can almost solo It if they are lvl 90-95. You can still buy one to another player if you're not patient enough to train it yourself, that will save you a lot of time. And don't forget to buy a bunch of potions and revives, you'll need it :Grin: .
  9. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <r><QUOTE author="Chimera"><s> </e></QUOTE> There is also a gametime requirement, idk how many hours tho but definitely higher than 500h.</r>
  10. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [unknown Place - Rufflet | Trainer Valley - Pansage !!!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="CaMaSsAnO"><s> </e></QUOTE> CAn you take screen how many trees there XD <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> <E>:thanks:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> <B><s></s>Where exactly is: Unknown Place ? <e></e></B><e> </e></QUOTE> Unknown place is in trainer's valley, that's the area with the npc legendary pokes.</r>
  11. I don't think that the new items are over-priced. However, the fact that you have to buy 2x100 coins to buy these items is definitely a problem in my opinion especially if you're not interested in the other items of the coin shop because that means you have to pay 10$ for something supposed to be worth 7,5. Now I suggest we lock this thread before the situation gets out of hand...
  12. The fact that the sailor is talking about a "special ticket" reminds me of the event items in the official games like the eon ticket. It's probably a WIP atm.
  13. Psylo


    Unfortunately the only available form of payment atm is Paypal. However, you can buy some of the coin shop items (including membership) from players with in-game money :y: .
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated MINIBOSS !!] <r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> 2 weeks if you are MS and 3 weeks if you're not MS if i am not mistaken.</r>
  15. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r>Here's the location of the 3 doggies:<br/> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
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