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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Hey I am selling this lucario Feel free to chekf out auction https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/154561-url
  2. Hey my friends,today I am going auction this awesome lucario that might be good for Mega if it doesn't get banned (don't need command about that topic :p) S.o 10m Min bid 100k Insta 16m 48h after first bid (cross server) Have fun!
  3. Price for vespiqueen and tauros?
  4. You can't just trust people with price check it can easily mislead and people also can't know price always imigane someone go. To his 2nd acc price check a shiny charmanter 5m you sell it for this price and find out its worth over 30m
  5. Well I would say the rule adding Insta not at start of auction is pretty good but I am no big fan of people agree in game discord etc an Insta and the Pokémon gets away after like 1min at all its really hard to check that
  6. -1 not real fan of this idea if you can add your Insta after start of auction you may know the value of your Pokémon better and don't get scammed and as allsmell said if someone is 24/7 on forum he could just Insta everything right away
  7. Oh yeah I can see it rn I will pass too but ty
  8. May I see gligar also
  9. 1.5m for 2nd wailord
  10. hey selling this check out auction on gold for more Infos https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/epic-conkeldurr-24-3×31-ot-amin.155464/ Edited: if you wanna bid do it on gold thread please Gl!
  11. Hey I want to sell my epic conkel this auction is for both server S.o 3m Insta 6.5m Min bid 100k Auction time 48h after first bid Gl and have fun!
  12. Hey I am looking for shiny Abra sync or evo ivs doesn't matter Nature's I need Adamant=2m Jolly=2.25m Bold=1.75 Calm=1,5m Relaxed/sassy=1,5m Timid=2m Modest=2m Impish/careful=1,5m Rash=1m Naive/hasty=1,2m Feel free to send me a forum dm Or talk me on discord Thanks!
  13. Sold isnta
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