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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Sold insta thanks all
  2. Hey I am looking to sell my tyrunt  S.o 250k Min bid 50k Insta 750k 24h auction after first bid Gl and thanks all!
  3. Hello I released my corpish by mistake I play on gold server
  4. +1 I totally agree
  5. Changed my mind
  6. Hey dear staff team I wanted to complain about the new sprite of blastiose as the guns of it are missing Would be kind if it could be changed thanks!
  7. Trade has been done can be closed
  8. Yeah will try to contact u
  9. Hey I am looking to sell my decent jolly garchomp Start :500k Min bid : 50k Insta price 1.5m Auction time : 24h after first bid Good luck and thanks to all bidder! (sorry if Ivs are hard to read it's 31atk 19def 31spd 19spdef 7hp)
  10. 550k on heracross by geomine
  11. Hey I am looking to sell. Those 2 shiny Start price 10k Insta 1.5m 30h after first bid Min bid 25k Start price 10k Insta 900k 24h after first bid Min bid 25k Good luck all and thanks to bidder!
  12. sold insta thanks to all bidder!
  13. Hey I am looking to sell my godly darumaka Start price will be 1.5m Insta 5.5m Min bid 100k 48 after first bid I also accept money from silver and could transfer it there if someone feels interested thanks and good luck to all bidder!
  14. Guess I will insta contact me ingame
  15. Gg finally got ur favor shiny^^
  16. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: nikhilnick Friendliest: nikhilnick Funniest: badhacker Coolest: smokincatcher Comeback Player of the Year: Dutskieismyname Most Talkative: wangzii Most Trustworthy: nikhilnick Most Helpful: nikhilnick Most Missed: danger0uss Most Influential: Waleed1301 Most Intriguing: Drdoctor Most Experienced Player: darkvader Best/Funniest Username: shiningstar Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Waleed1301 STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator: Happymango Best Moderator: Caged Best Trade Moderator: hercules Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Eaty Best Staff Username: eaty Most proffesionel staff: Logan Most dedicated staff: tigerous Funniest staff: hercules Friendliest staff :logan Most Honorable Former Staff: Fluffles Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles
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