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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. hey i want quite the game today or tomrrow it was nice time ty all guys :Grin: most thank to my guild limbo (shyuno justlegend and iimaxxin) and thank to my best friends (braj shisir onkar vitorge 1kevin77 ottoman danger0uss shinyman22 cnnblt kaminokage eric66 alkesdemon444) cya guys :(
  2. Re: Shiny Greninja Auction <t>why always blue have this cool shinys :(</t>
  3. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <r>700k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  4. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <r><QUOTE author="Dyslexia" post_id="504197" time="1517708035" user_id="1271704"><s> </e></QUOTE> You say want stop collected of shiny, but you start offer now,, its just your startegy for sell poke,, <e> </e></QUOTE> i always would shiny snyc and finally here is one and btw i play pvp too and this is for hunting not for collection<br/> <br/> no one offerd on tort too but its doesn´t matter i have just my shiny galv left sold all ..</r>
  5. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>start with 500k :)</t>
  6. just said it if someone think he can ban me ;)
  7. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne lower insta <r><QUOTE author="ProDex" post_id="503446" time="1517567182" user_id="1421555"><s> </e></QUOTE> evidence please <e> </e></QUOTE> i don´t need show u proof and if u really try to ban me i can show admin it :)</r>
  8. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne lower insta <t>sold insta</t>
  9. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne lower insta <t>insta is now 12m not anymore 15m :)</t>
  10. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne <t>bump :)</t>
  11. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne <t>dedenne sold</t>
  12. its sure 20m+ timid and decent ivs shiny char
  13. Re: wts shiny torterra and dedenne <t>dedenne added trade just for epic pvp pokes</t>
  14. Re: wts shiny torterra <r><QUOTE author="ProDex" post_id="502409" time="1517373836" user_id="1421555"><s> </e></QUOTE> Maybe i accept pvp pokes but i want atleast 7, 5m</r>
  15. Re: wts shiny torterra <r><QUOTE author="Dyslexia" post_id="502284" time="1517350639" user_id="1271704"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yeah i already sold them and galvan will be never for sell because its my ot</r>
  16. Re: wts shiny torterra <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/i7r0fr">https://prnt.sc/i7r0fr</URL> start by braj 3 days from now :)</r>
  17. hi i want sell my shiny torterra because i want stop collect shinys , start is 7,5m and insta 12m auction will go 3 days after first bid gl guys ^^ https://prnt.sc/i7qvvq https://prnt.sc/i8anqv dedenne just for pvp pokes waiting 2 days for offers best offer will get it :) (sold)
  18. can u show it me ig?
  19. its already sold cnnblt
  20. Re: godly shiny slowking <t>sold to cnnblt can be closed</t>
  21. i have shiny magmar but its in yellow server
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